
I won’t be voting for the BFFs of Henry Kissinger. This applies to both Hillary and Trump. Kissinger should be in a shallow grave where people ritually piss on it at a certain time of day. Not influencing presidential candidates.

I won’t be voting for the BFFs of Henry Kissinger. This applies to both Hillary and Trump. Kissinger should be in a shallow grave where people ritually piss on it at a certain time of day. Not influencing presidential candidates.

He likely realizes that Hillary accepted thousands of donations (per FEC reports) from Drumpf for all of her past campaigns. She has also received many donations from him to the Clinton Foundation. He has also donated to the Democratic House and Senatorial election committees.

At some point in the election process, the abused spouse syndrome applies; going back for further abuse seeming to be the lesser evil. At some point the break must come and the abused individual deciding that they will no longer accept whatever treatment is dished out. I am infuriated that the DNC has dictated the

Common sense states that we are Bernie supporters because our memory spans past April of 2015 while Hillary supporters are stuck in a time capsule that spans from April of 2015 through today; we know past and present Hillary’s stances and we know Hillary’s history. Trying to define Hillary’s platform is like trying to

I love Germany. Like I would make love to that country if I had the chance. I used to live in München; moved back to the U.S. to be closer to family. I’ve been trying to get them to move to Germany every chance I get. They are SO ahead of us in almost every way imaginable. I have friends from my state who have moved

Healthcare, education, and living wages are not handouts. Sorry, bud.

I don’t think you realize how having a college education and a living wage is connected to employment, but hey, what do you know about economics? What do you know about the effects of having a healthy, educated populace have on the economy? What do you know about the fact that you’re willing to pay MORE to a private

Actually, I used to live in Germany a few years ago and I loved the hell out of that country. The problem is that I love my family too much and I moved back to the U.S. to be closer to them. I’ve been trying my darnest to convince them to move to Germany so I can go back there. It’s truly an amazing place. It’s quite

I don’t think you understand economic systems, but thanks for playing. Socialism and capitalism run on a spectrum. The USSR did not allow private enterprises to exist. Bernie is NOT against private enterprises. He’s not telling private colleges or private hospitals they have to close down. He’s giving impoverished and

Why are Gilded Age libertarians like yourself unaware of the fact that countries like Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Australia, South Korea, Japan, etc. exist? ALL of those countries have universal healthcare AND extremely affordable or tuition-free colleges.