
Fuck yo’ city, bitch.

Or any 17 yo, as if you ask most women they will surely tell you many a tale about gross middle-aged men saying and doing disgusting shit to them well before age 17. I was 14 the first time some strange man groped my ass and I most certainly did not look “older.” I am only 5'1" and still don’t weigh over 100 lbs, so

I think it’s the opposite, they are fully aware of having a national audience but just don’t see anything creepy about sexualizing a 17 year old Olympic athlete on air.

You mean, the totally verifiable anecdotal evidence that labracabrador provided about a Black Sheep family member doesn’t count as data????

Well, there’s the fact that if the Democrats posited a program in which the federal gov’t picks what food you get, the Republicans would scream until hoarse, since it’s clear gov’t overreach.

Indulge the welfare queen myth much?

Said no one in the current administration. Ever.

“Sadly this woman didn’t die” what is wrong with you

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.


what about the fact that the movie was just shittly made and boring?



We’re talking about a movie that introduces one of its main villains with a “Your Mama” joke. And you are calling the people who criticise it “un-nuanced”.

How about the poor pacing and the painfully unfunny attempts at comedy that killed any sort of immersion?

Sounds like you’re the one bitching and moaning.

No—I need a movie that doesn’t waste my time. When you see a movie, a two hour piece of story-telling, there’s an assumption that the things you see and the characters you meet are important to the story. Most of the criticisms you characterize as bitching, are totally and complete valid. Your belittling attitude

Just another example of why Disney needs a more coherent story telling plan between these movies. I know they will likely play a big part in Episode 9, but there were so many plot threads from 7 that Johnson just didn’t give a shit about.

Yup, I agree. I would also add that both of the new movies were also lacking competent writers and editors. There are all sorts of problems with character development, beyond vision or literary arc. On multiple occasions we are introduced to characters in 3 minutes but are not told or shown anything about them. The

I’m not sure why you expect this to be good. It’s a prequel. A Star Wars prequel.