Marc Greene

…uh, so I get the movie released.

Do you want to watch me fuck something? Just point at something in the room and I'll fuck it. JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT ME TO FUUUCK!!

This is the best news I've read in a long time! Yay!!

I blame Simone. She was a terrible outreach center employee.


I'm pretty sure she said "spray of glass" first, not "spray of guns"

No Frisky Dingo? WTF.

This one episode was better than Man of Steel. I'd like to make the case that the minds behind the DCAU should helm the DC Cinematic Universe. They have the right balance and tone of classic and new takes on the characters.

Maybe the Hand is just full of ninja hipsters in this version?

"Heh! More like CANT-MAN!" - Zak Snyder while holding up a hand for high-fives he never receives

:-( Now I'm extra sad. I was hoping for an odd cameo like a dream/hallucination/mind control sequence Easter Egg just to make AoS viewers squeal with delight then weep.

Or as Loki calls it "quiminism"

For me Doom, Reed, The Negative Zone, and Galactus are essential Marvel Universe Properties. They might be able to swap Reed for Hank Pym for all intents and purposes or something and rename the Negative Zone to something else, but I agree that Doom (and Galactus) are pretty unique and essential.

Working for Fury is very plausible because who knows what the hell he's up to.

I've been VERY surprised with how good this show is. It is like someone read all of my complaint letters to the writers of Smallville and made a show that corrected everything I thought was stupid. I've only watched one early episode of Arrow, but I hear it is a good show as well. This crossover made me want to go

They alluded to Bobbi having something else going on that her ex-husband can't know about… PLEASE let it be that she has been seeing and/or is secretly married to Hawkeye. Pretty please?

I'm glad we getting back to the point that this movie should fail and not because of some casting that doesn't stick with canon fan expectations. I don't think I'm alone in really hoping the property goes back to Marvel for a ton of reasons. The one thing I'm disappointed with is that I actually liked the Ultimate

Never sinned, just like Jingus.

I don't get it: is Kirk Cameron secretly Christian? Why won't he just come out of the Christian closet? Stop with this Agnostic-Muslim-Judeo-Wiccan routine and let us know what you really believe already!