Marc Greene

I wonder how Davos will get along with Tyrion and Daenerys. Dream team royal administration for me would be Tyrion, Davos, Olenna, Varys, Samwell, and Bronn. Hell, just having dinner with them would be educational to Jon and/or Dany.

I'd say Bobby Briggs is all of us in that scene

Oh she is, but she's moved from the "too sexy for this role" category in the casting field to the "hey, she's a great actress… and she's sexy" category

Daddario is a talented actress and it is a shame that her unbelievable beauty hamstrings her more serious or lucrative role opportunities. Maybe she'll have to do a role like Monster or wait till she's Helen Mirren's age to get Oscarbate stuff instead of Masterbate stuff

Meanwhile, if Zack Snyder directed it, Logan would have had 12 mutants that followed him around only to be betrayed by one name Rudas and ended it with Logan being crucified on an X

I loved the Scorsese narrative construction and 21's Silence of the Lambs-style ruse to get Walking Spider into the Morphomobile

This review does a great job of summarizing my problems with the show since the second half of Season 3. Zombies are a joke if the major players are fucking superheroes and new characters are introduced to be food to "keep the audience aware of the threat". The plotlines seem like a lot of long, slow buildup with

Definite candidate for "Funniest Onion Article" this year! Hooray! Satire!

Is it just me or does every character who works for the CIA on Homeland hate working for the organization and apparently the CIA has the most ass backward retention department: "you can't leave us because being in the CIA is your destiny" instead of maybe just offering them better pay and/or benefits? Imagine if

Bill's confrontation with the bully was amazing and terrifying.

Sell it to Marvel already, Fox. They have a boatload of cash and apparently know the fuck they're doing.

Garrett Morris makes a cameo in the new Ant Man movie, too. Scott lands on his car.

My dad is dead, you heartless monster. He died from beating off to Forrest Gump's mom fucking Mr Hancock to get Forrest into school, you sick bastard.

I know I'm getting older when I start seeing Aunt May as sexy.

She could have dated Tony Stark (RDJ is 50 too)

He looks like a sexually reassigned Boo from Orange is the New Black.

I only take my orders from Mona Robinson anyway.

I don't think the reality and saddness of the situation Aslanded yet.

The response to the dangers of this threat by these park rangers has been aNemeanic,