Marc Greene


I'm don't think Bolivar Trask is an anagram for Tony Stark: "Tovbi Slaarrk" That is the closest I can get using all of the letters.

"Tell my wife I said 'hello'".

That might be a tricky endeavor for Marvel Studios to attempt. It is kinda what they do…

You might want to revisit the comics from the past 5 years or so (maybe more). Abnett/Lanning had this line up (mostly) for a while now.

I'm doing my best to lower my expectations, but this trailer didn't help. The good thing about the Marvel movies so far is even the not great ones were at least competent and entertaining. I think I'd be happy if GotG just meets that standard. It doesn't have to be Citizen Kane (or Captain America: Winter Soldier,

Harry did scornfully throw John Lithgow's pet name for him, "My Squatch", back in his face.

What would the fan reaction be if next episode they were like "What about FitzSimmons?" and the answer is "Yeah, they're fucking dead. They drowned horribly and no one knew to look for their transponder… oops."

The second Death Star plot was pretty unoriginal, but at least cohesive and understandable (the Empire just attempts to rebuild its pants-wettingly awesome super weapon maybe this time without an exhaust port and the Emperor uses the opportunity to flush out the Rebellion with honeypot info, the Force is invoked,

Ugh, they left the "sand gets everywhere" line. This prequel series needs more than a recut, it needs a reboot, but at least a recut like this shows that even a reboot could be handled in 1 movie instead of 3. Maybe many years after Lucas passes…

If by "slow moving laser" you mean his penis, then sure.

Yuck, during the scene I had the horrible realization that Jaime might be Gold-Fingering her.

That is a very good point and actually something that AoS might have a bit more opportunity to deal with

Isn't Coulson's being alive completely restricted information? That might be tough to work with on an agency-level scale.

I was a bit confused when Hand said to Coulson that they are the top ranking agents in (the remains of) SHIELD at the moment; Black Widow is very publicly alive at the end of Winter Soldier. Is she not considered a ranked agent? What about Hawkeye?

Is it wrong that I hope to the very fiber of my being that Cap 3 DESTROYS Man of Steel 2: Batman vs Superman: Return of the Batoosy at the box office?

For Your Hell

I remember an issue of Iron Man back in the day when the Hulk was attacking Stark Industries and Tony had to use ALL of his [standard] suit's power to knock out the Hulk with one punch. This resulted in him being trapped in his armor and running out of air. Ant Man was the one called in to save him. Pym had to

It looks like Ultimate Quicksilver. I think Singer is doing something interesting in regards to his powers (filming ridiculously slow, I think), but as has been often stated, that costume looks ridiculous in any time period. I think a ton of the goofiness is based around that silver wig.