Professional Chair Tester

Kick It Out called it “offensive and discriminatory” and said “racist stereotypes are never acceptable, irrespective of any intention to show support for a player,” per the BBC.

I think this is a record for the shortest time before a Deadspin article becomes irrelevant

And every time she thought she was finished, another Columbo would appear and say, “Just one more thing....”

Coincidentally, my bachelor party was six guys dressed like Columbo, getting handies in an alley behind a Dave and Busters - from a tired hooker we found on Craigslist...

If you tuck in your Hawaiian shirt you should be kicked out of anywhere you go.

I’m normally pretty down after a loss, but if you told me that the Packers we’re going to play this game without either tackle, Mike Daniels and a gimpy Nelson, I’d have assumed a way worse loss than what happened. If they get Atlanta at home in the playoffs with a healthier roster, I think they could win.

Right, it’s not the draw so much as it is a judge who appears to have been watching a completely different fight from the one everyone else saw. That’s a problem!

I think that was the thrust of Teddy Atlas’s rant last night—that there’s no transparent protocol for dealing with this sort of thing.

Next time, watch the event before attempting to comment. No, the scoring system is not set up with the intent of “allowing” for a wide disparity of scores. And to the author: Teddy and Stephen are not out of their minds. They are justifiably outraged at a system which purposely continues to employ judges like

I dunno, man. The draw didn’t bother me so much, but that 118-110 card to Canelo really seems impossible. Watching the decision, when Michael Buffer said “judge Adelaide Bird scored the fight 118-110...” it took, like, whole seconds for my group to realize she’d scored it for Canelo. It seemed like a not unreasonable

The crazy thing is that Teddy was right. If it was just one bad individual, she’d face consequences. Instead, she’ll be right back judging fights next weekend.

No, especially since Adalaide Byrd has a long history in both Boxing and MMA of completely lopsided or mind blowing scoring

Teddy Atlas is right. Boxing is rigged. Stephen is making it seem like its an anomaly. What about the last Pacqiao fight? That was a CLEAR ROBBERY. Its not just one judge

We can loop a damn satellite between saturn’s atmosphere and rings 22 straight times before intentionally crashing it into said atmosphere so that it doesn’t litter Saturn but we can’t figure out a better way to judge boxing and call balls and strikes. NASA needs to take over both of those and also pick the next

Did I just watch Stephen A Smith telling someone to calm down?

Why have one superfight when you can manufacture two, or even a trilogy! These corrupt fucks had their scorecards filled out before the fight even started.

The atomic mass of Lynchonium is What the fuck you think?

/erects Adrian Peterson statues in front of Boys and Girls Clubs instead

There should be statues of him everywhere, with the plaque on it saying “I’m just here so I don’t get fined.”

It has to be so freeing, to give so few fucks like he does. I mean, I don’t give a lot of fucks, but the amount he gives has to be approaching if not actually zero. If you could measure the amount of fucks Marshawn gives in atomic movement, it would be the lowest temperature ever recorded in the universe.