Professional Chair Tester

I think thats what alot of these little league warriors are forgetting about their experiences as a kid. They were likely using aluminum and composite bats and have never actually taken real swings with a wood bat. The difference is stark.

How many people have tried in an MLB stadium to hit a homer? Until everyone has tried this is biased.

The Deadspin staff has more people who can dunk than homer, this is an ironclad confirmation that it’s dunk.

You’re not taking “old man strength” into account. Old man strength can smack a baseball but cant jump for shit.

Hitting a 350 foot home run with a wooden bat on a pitch slower than say 80mph is an impossible thing to do without any baseball experience. As is hitting a baseball solidly on a pitch over 80mph. (Excepting the .00001% pure luck.)

More people can dunk.

There are way more tall people in the world who only have to jump upwards a couple of feet, compared to people who have the strength, hand-eye coordination, and technique to hit a baseball high and far enough over a fence.

It takes more strength and technique to hit a homer than it does to dunk. You just have to be tall enough and/or able to jump high enough. As long as we assume a normal distribution of height and allow for two handed dunks, there’s really only one answer.

Thank you for this. I will now ONLY refer to them as frisbees from here on out.

Doesn’t look like any of the holes out at Maple Hill. Definitely looks like somewhere in the Rocky Mountains.

I just watched this at least 30 times in a row and was crying laughing by the 20th time. “What the fuck, Richard?”

This is way better than this guy’s other NSFW video, “Frisbee Son Fuckin’ Jacks It.”

433 feet is a long ass toss in DG, even down and across a hill. Nothing to scoff at. I would love to know what course that is.

Dad: “Jeremy, tell your stepmom what I did today. Tell her!”

I have had exactly 1 ace in disc golf, and it is the most exhilarating feeling possible. And of course I was just playing a round by myself, so only the strangers playing in front of me witnessed it. Oh well, still felt amazing.

Is there a reason the pulse shooting is excluded from last years tally?

Are you kidding me?

...sure it wasn’t longer?

It’s amazing, with the right lighting and shadow effects, how much longer a dong can look.