Professional Chair Tester

who is your team now?

That Packer fan was and forever will be all of us Packer fans at that moment.

The irony is that Chicago and the state of Illinois can easily give Detroit and Michigan a run for their money at being completely terrible. Even visiting Chicago is an ordeal. And nowadays you’re much less likely to be murdered in gentrified Detroit.

That Packers fan is the real MVP of the clip.

I was waiting for the part where he whipped it out and peed on you.

I was at a Bills Patriots game when Brian Moorman was at his peak as the Bills punter. My Bills fan friend kept saying, “Here comes our Pro-Bowler” with a tone of both pride and disappointment.

There is literally no better feeling in the world than when I dropped the Bears as my favorite team. Not my divorce from a soul sucking marriage. Not when I left the worst job ever to teach kids with disabilities and found my true calling. Not the birth of my niece or my nephew. Not the fucking Cubs World Series.

I still think the game where the Bears only punted (no TDs, interceptions, fumbles, or FGs) is the most impressive feat in sports history.

You know, if I had told the average Bears fan a year ago that Jay Cutler would finally be purged from this roster, they’d have probably been delighted.

One of my favorite things about the video of fans reacting to the pick is the lone Packer fan laughing his ass off in the background.

Again I feel like a lot of this interpretation is simply looking for a message you wish to be found.

This is gospel, all of it.

Former professional goalkeeper/current goalkeeper coach at UNC Wilmington here. He’s in the correct position. His team is in possession and pressing forward. It’s his job to move forward with them, to keep the gap between himself and his last defender consistent, in order to be in good position to intercept a through

Good. Screw the Cowboys. But you’ll have to explain to me how the domestic abuse allegation helped Rodgers complete a miracle pass along the sideline to Jared Cook so the Packers could oust the cowboys on a day Elliot had 125 yards. Because right now you just seem idiotic.

The NFL only guaranteed the first year of its commitment to domestic violence caring.

holy shit it’s happening already? fuck where did the summer go?

Hey, Mexico lost to Jamaica in SoCal (which is to say, “at home”), so it could be a whole lot worse.

There are 211 nations in FIFA.

2002 just called, wondering what you were doing the past 15 years besides ignoring the results of its World Cup.