Professional Chair Tester

I see what you’re saying but I think you are putting someone in a tough spot when you ask them to comment publicly about the head of their company. His no comment was probably the best we could hope for there.

For a long time, I thought that PFTCommenter was Magary.

Haters gonna hate.


That’s not even close to the point she was making.

Look, this is amazing, but it will never beat the Aikman video

Sorry but bad economic policy led to Puerto Rico’s filing of Chapter 11 in May(?) of this year - not Maria last week. Had Puerto Rico ever went through with actual Statehood, then the chances that the harbors would been deepened by the Army Corps of Engineers and thus the Jones Act would not have been an issue would

In my state, you need a license to be a florist. Because we have to protect the consumer from dangerous and unhealthful arrangements of inviting plants. You also need to have a full cosmetology license to do hair braiding.

Foreign flag vessels can stevedore cargo on an off at any port in the U.S. They just can’t ship goods between U.S. Ports. Only U.S. flag vessels can do that.

If this is the chicken tax of the sea, would that make it the tuna tax?

The Jones Act is terrible. It’s a major reason that Puerto Rico is bankrupt. The island could be a major shipping and trading hub, but it’s precluded from earning a living. Then what is supposed to drive its economy? Tourism alone isn’t enough.

To pick a year at random, all of the following made at least six starts in 1998: Tony Banks, Trent Dilfer, Steve Beuerlein, Chris Chandler, Charlie Batch, Kerry Collins, Danny Kanell, Erik Kramer, Craig Whelihan, Donald Hollis, Bobby Hoying, Steve Stenstrom, Ryan Leaf, Kent Graham, Elvis Grbac, Jeff George, and Rob

Wait, lardass is a race now?

No, it still is.

The Atlanta United have a chance to become something special, a champion in a city which has known little success in sports. Just about every sports team that is/has been in Atlanta fits the description of people like me who live here: more than 50 percent of the people living here are not from Atlanta originally

Tennessee and Florida, enough said.

Well, she sounds terrible.

God damn it! I knew something was fishy. I wrote a check to her Alzheimer’s foundation and my grandma still died of Alzheimer’s.

No, the Yankees are not at fault.

This is a bad take