Professional Chair Tester

No, Stephen King.

Is that Jeb Bush? 

Wow way to make assumptions about shirtless dudes with tattoos at baseball ga

When is the American League finally going to remove designated hitlers once and for all?

Racism? At an Indians game?

Always goaltending truthers.

Also, they let T&T score 4 times

The best part of this is that Mexico may fire the best coach they’ve had in years (and maybe even decades) in Juan Carlos Osorio. Osorio has brought them within 1 win of clinching World Cup qualifying while last time around they needed help from “San Zusi” to get to the playoff game, but a bad result in the Gold Cup

Really? You make a drug reference regarding how mellow Jamaica was and you pick Valium? JAMAICA?

Not when it’s a group stage tournament and the Mexican side needed the win to advance over T&T it’s not

I’m pretty sure 4:4 is a draw.

Now playing

Good job Jamaica, but Trinidad has the best last minute Mexico defeat of all time, OF ALL TIME

It sure looked like that goalie could have made the save...

Assuming you don’t want to get back together, you should wait at least 6 months to have sex with an ex. Otherwise the shit gets complicated fast, all the old reasons why you broke up in the first place will resurface no matter what. That said, if you do wait, and you do have sex with an ex, two times max. Once you do

What? Do you blame the stadium for a sporting event where the teams were terrible? Do you blame the rope if it’s graded for x amount of pounds, you try lift something heavier than that limit, and it breaks?

I don’t know why anyone expected any better.

Sorry but if that truck was parked outside your house blaring that shitty jingle for over an hour you’d be pissed.

and gluten, dairy and sugar free for no real reason

Just from a soccer standpoint it’s not a terrible move. In the short term yes, it’s a downgrade. But Barca are doing a terrible job turning over their roster and thus are getting old. Their famed Academy is a fucking myth at this point. Compared to how Madrid is getting ready for the post-CR era, Barca is an

Yes, a player can say he wants out anytime. And the club can say “nah”. But when another team (club, whatever) is willing to meet the player’s release clause (which is usually established in a big name player’s contract), the player can go and Barcelona wouldn’t have much say in it.