That might be a culture/class thing. Since funerals are so expensive (and a huge scam, really), some people might just be thinking, "I paid good money for this, might as well make it last".
That might be a culture/class thing. Since funerals are so expensive (and a huge scam, really), some people might just be thinking, "I paid good money for this, might as well make it last".
The ant would fall apart at that size scale. There's a reason exoskeletons aren't seen on creatures larger than a small bird, and that reason is physics.
Most people use the same story. "I'm in the basement with hostages at this address." If the place doesn't have a basement, just say in the master bedroom.
Well, that changes everything.
I think it would be better to make them fire you so you could collect a severance package and/or file unemployment.
Incompetent company being kept afloat by taxpayers is incompetent.
Counterpoint: cheese.
Buttghazi 2015. The truth is out there people.
Best football video game of all time. There hasn't been a game that comes close in terms of pocket mechanics and running technoques. Madden still hasn't caught on more than a decade later.
The editorial staff here mostly lost their minds a long time ago.
I'm hoping they give it the royal treatment at some point like they did with Wind Waker.
So, you're supporting Big Crayon then?
The people in those commercials always have the most punchable faces and irritating voices allowed on TV, and that's on purpose.
I live in Chicago where parking spots are hard to find in good weather. I understand dibs for a day or two, but beyond that it's completely selfish and wrecks havoc on the fragile parking ewuibrium.
Why the hell won't nintendo release this (and many other great old games) for WiiU?
Whoa. I didn't notice that.
When police murder an unarmed white maybe never.
Jetfuel doesn't work that way...
Furthermore, "Football" was once the official name for all sports not played on Horseback. In those days there were a myriad of different regional games all taking the name "Football" and it would take many decades for each sport to codify its own distinct set of rules and nicknames.
You've clearly never heard of Australia. Their national team is called the Socceroos for fucks sake.