Somewhat unrelated, but is there anything in the rules that would prevent an offensive player from picking up one of his players and tossing him across the goal line?
Somewhat unrelated, but is there anything in the rules that would prevent an offensive player from picking up one of his players and tossing him across the goal line?
Some people will instinctively defend members of their gender/race/Religion/Political Party without question.
When men act like this, nobody wonders which "side" to be on.
"Sometimes it's not looking like too much like a woman that works against you — it's sounding too much like one."
The only thing that could make the last story better is if he banged the idiot bro's girlfriend to, you know, console her after her asshole boyfriend ruined their travel plans.
Learning is only boring to weak-minded people.
Also, I was referring to the colons used by Ms. Hope in the above post which you rudely criticized because you don't understand colons. Let me translate that post for you:
I prefer to eat them in moderation, but I appreciate the concern.
I was unaware steroids affected a person's ability to understand colons (the grammar kind).
My 3-year-old Roku 2 has a USB port and plays everything I throw at it but my newer Roku 3 disappointingly only plays .mp4 and .avi files.
Does this generation of the Roku 3 support MKV files through USB?
How about you learn to read. She clearly said working out is cool if that's your thing, but working out (or doing anything for that matter) excessively is not good.
Curly fries in moderation are probably better (less bad?) than anything done excessively.
Gamergate is as sexist as the Tea Party, and as clueless as the occupy movement.
The only thing Heineken is good for is chasing bong rips.
Tech companies always want to attract the best talent, and since there are some extremely talented ladies entering the work force these days, innovative companies are tripping over themselves to retain them.
if Florida and Ohio didn't exist, you'd have an iron-clad case.
Objectively, he's right. The hot chick probably gets a small boost in votes because of her looks.
If you're going through the trouble of smuggling that much cocaine, why not pony up for a brand new system (or any other expensive item that might be cheaper abroad) and take the time to make everything appear factory sealed.
Maybe Brasil's manager just did a massive rail himself.