Professional Chair Tester

it looks like it only has crackle and other shitty video apps. I assume Hulu is coming soon though.

Welp...looks like I have a new reason to replay GTA. I had no idea you could save everyone.

Thanks. I haven't even picked a next gen system yet (unless you count the WiiU) so I'm still a little ways off from considering a PS TV, but I'm curious to see how a complimentary device like this could be used.

That was what I assumed, but had to ask.

Interlaced video looks horrible in motion.

Could you stream a game to the PSTV while your family simultaneously uses the ps4 in the other room to watch hulu?

This is why I never complain about game delays. If it's not ready, don't release it.

Has average batter height increased as well?

I've long believed game journalism is mostly corrupt and unethical.

those timeouts were called to avert exactly the kind of play above because the dolphins were misaligned on defense on nearly every hurry-up play at the end of the game.

I'm a fan of cross-flexing so long as it means less meaningful games are broadcast on CBS.

You should probably check those totals in dollars spent too.

Good luck never buying Intel products ever again.

Which one?

I stopped watching the NCAA when Winston was allowed to play last year after clearly getting let off on rape charges.

Filed to: Obviously

Something tells me these stories only dropped because the NFL needed to remind everyone there are other evil sports conglomerates out there.

Honest question: how does a shitty sequal detract from the original in any way?

Fucking Nielson

Mario Kart 8 looks fantastic in 60 fps, and very good in 30 fps. It's a marginal difference, but the best is always noticeably better.