The idea that Brazil holds any power within Conmebol is either laughable or outright dishonest.
The idea that Brazil holds any power within Conmebol is either laughable or outright dishonest.
My god, this fucking game. Brazil was robbed when the VAR confirmed that absolutely terrible third goal and the others were defensive fuckups by the Brazilian defense. Not to mention a clear penalty that the referee didn’t even bother to look up in the end of the game.
Hey! It’s “A” Seleção, since “seleção” is a word that comes with the feminine definite article A instead of the masculine O.
This whole situation is obviously absurd, but I can’t help but find it pretty ironic, since the US financed and directly influenced the ascension and maintenance of military dictatorships all over Latin America, and recently took part in the fall of the Brazilian President, just for starters.
The picture is upside down... at first I thought he was a hobbit
This is a great piece which I really liked reading... and I do like the Warriors... swear to the Force, this website is awesome
The first moment the camera zooms in on the player hitting the floor he’s yelling “Fuck, it broke”... well, no shit
You sure look like you’re justifying your opinion a lot because of fan backlash. I like your work and even when I don’t agree with your views, I still read and like the stuff you write... keep up the good work!
Hey Billy, ojogo is a Portuguese website, not brazilian. We Brazilians do not get our sports info there. Good piece, though.
Terrible solution, dude...
Thanks for the tip, never gonna miss the replies again... pure gold
Something that is really troubling is the fact that some fans still don’t forgive Michael Vick, but have no problems whatsoever cheering for Hardy getting sacks
Gee, man, relax. Kid is possibly great, I just did not like the article. BTW, I wasn’t the one upvoting my own comment, so I have that going for me! Yay
It doesn’t count? Well, that’s a shame, there goes my only accomplishment ever.
I understand your point, man, but Marshall is a good point of view of the situation nonetheless. A good reason why is the fact the guy has owned up to (most of) his mistakes
This kid sounds as stupid as Samer looks... I would pity someone so unfunny making such an effort to be funny, but this kid has too much undeserved self-confidence for, easily, the worst one on the list... Also: makes fun of the website, still gets offended by a simple article
This is just great. I never regret coming to the discussion.
Not satirical at all, mostly a sad try and lacking proper and checked information... as one would expect
Tell me about it. Dude is terrible.
And follows that up by losing the game. What. A. Troll. Job.