
It’s amazing how close we were to losing “America’s Hitler” this weekend.

Jesus, just let it die already.

Good memories of that three-month period in late 2006 and early 2007 when we were all saying this was better than Lost

Legit all I want is a block function, like in the disqus days.

“And please free the hostages, all the hostages.”

I know this troll. He’s advocating for Gillis because of the racism and homophobia, not despite it.

regardless of whether one finds the bit funny or not, i’m real turned off by SNL’s increasing reliance on product placement for jokes


He’s got fired from a job for making bad jokes, which means he has a loyal, built-in fanbase of online chuds who will follow him off a cliff and I’m sure are being very normal and chill towards you in the greys right now.

He has a podcast!!!! Oh then he must be famous! Either that or he’s every third white guy in America.

Since your comment is the only one worth truly discussing...

Goddamn you people are pathetic.

Are there any left who aren’t actively coming for gay rights, reproductive freedoms, and honest recitations of American history?

As a Republican who’s big into modern sketch comedy, I don’t have an opinion because I don’t exist. 

As much as I liked the show, I think this makes sense. They got a lot of story out in season 2, covered a lot of ground, so I feel at peace. 

if they wanted to, they could’ve just kept all this shit to themselves

I suspect the real reason Agnes kept Armstrong on is because she knows about Armstrong's mother.

republicans are the worst.

Chelsea had to endure a LOT of really, really horrible insults during her Dad's presidency. I mean, she was an awkward adolescent pre-teen with braces when they ran in '92, and you had assholes like Limbaugh comparing her to a dog (I'm sure that's what Veep was referencing) and other conservative commentators