What? You don't know how to use gmail. Labels are the same thing as folders...except they can be in multiple folders at the same time.
What? You don't know how to use gmail. Labels are the same thing as folders...except they can be in multiple folders at the same time.
It is more of a dogfighter than the F-22. The F-22 is a sniper, if it is in a dog fight, we have problems! F-35 replaces several older dogfighters.
F-14 all the way. Unless you give me an A-10. That thing could fly if one wing and one engine were blown off. Not to mention it's machine gun put out 5 tons of force...it's engine s only out out 8 tons!
The problem is, you think the F-35 is to replace the 22. The 35 is a supplement to the 22. Think 1 22 for 5 35's. Therefore, it isn't a step back.
You have to replace the whole plane when the battery goes bad
It is a quote by General John Jumper. He said it best, "The F-22 is the aerial "sniper" designed to take out high-value airframes like AWACS, as well as frontline fighters before it can be seen or engaged. The EF would then "kick in the door" and take out the rest due to Raptors gaining air superiority."
This has nothing to do with the article.
I made the mistake of buying one in college. It's good for maybe one batch. Then you taste it and it is god awful.
Don't ever recommend Mr. Beer again. That kit is absolute crap and all your "beer" will taste the same. Do yourself a favor and buy a beginners kit and make the real thing.
F-22 isn't a dog fighter...it is a sniper.
Sam Biddle: Sensationalism at its finest.
Wow dude. Apparently sarcasm is TOTALLY wasted on you.
We don't stand a chance if Bruce Willis isn't involved
I'm talking from industry experience, not "go-to" quotes. 1 square meter of solar panels can only physically obtain 940w. Unfortunately, single type polycrystalline panel (most common, and best cost-benefit) has a theoretical max efficiency of 33.7%. Most panels are around 20%.
Do you realize 1 MW of solar panels takes up nearly 5 acres of land? Oil, coal and gas will be a reality for a long time.
Don't feed the trolls they said.
Your opinion is your opinion. Fact is: Everyone else wants bigger phones. Hence why the iPhone 5 is bigger. Hence, why no one makes a 3.5 inch phone anymore. Hence, why the GS3 is the world's top selling point. So although your opinion holds true to yourself, IT IS THE MINORITY.
Wait...a techblog doesn't know the reasons to root a phone?
Ah, so you are saying you are a hipster? I don't wear baggy clothes and my Evo has fit in all my pockets. I love your generalization that anyone with baggy cargo pants are nerds. Have you ever held a One X or Evo? Their build quality rivals Apple. Go fanboy on though.
Place bubble wrap on your windows. It doubles the internal resistance of the window and still allows light in!