
herp derp. If cell life is less than 10 years and electrode life is 30 years. Which is the weakest link jack ass? Right now and in the near future it is still cell life regardless of this discovery.

Ever hear of listing an example? I guess not. I provided didnt. Boom. Have a good life.

Nothing I said was stupid or incorrect. You just have no background in this field, so I don't see the point in trying to convince you. You simply read the article and believe it.

What? Gas is extremely fast.

Same can be said for voting now. ID in PA is only required the first time you vote at a location. There is very little checking and most of it is manual. I have heard many stories of people using deceased names to vote in person.

I could think of a few other things that could exercise the tongue..

Trying to dig yourself out? I do know about most battery types and the electrodes aren't the biggest weakness of them.

My source listed it in Power. Others list it in energy. And I am talking on the MW scale not the kw. Grid scale batteries are for more expensive. I think automotive batteries are down to $250/kwh.

And I'm moving today. This is going to suck.

Thanks? You sent me an article that packed up everything I said. That article just outlines both types...doesn't back up anything you said. Also, the 2MW AEP storage systems it mentions? That is the 1% to peak shave and load shift to smooth out frequency and voltage. So thanks. [mic drop]

Most battery systems are there for load leveling and peak shaving...not flat out energy storage. Shaving the peak will reduce overload conditions on equipment such as transformers.

Oh...believe me I'm not. The electrode is not the limiting factor of a battery. For Li-Ion, temperature is the biggest factor on storage capacity and lifetime.

Either way, electrodes are a small cost compared to the rest of the battery.

That is the kicker. You could add an additional kw of energy for cheaper than a storage solution. It has been found that in most cases, replacing equipment such as overloaded transformers is cheaper than a battery solution to correct the issue.

Really depends on where you are. The Tehachapi Project in CA will have a storage system that of 32MWh in a 163' by 63' space. It would be a bigger deal if it was needed in a city.

36MWh battery* Don't confuse power and energy. This technology only make the electrodes last longer. This does not increase capacities, reduce size or reduce upfront cost of the storage systems themselves.

Unfortunately, this does not solve the two biggest problems of energy storage. Size and Price. Battery Storage is still $1500-$3200/kw

Probably not yours.

I just use a dremel. Messy, but awesome.
