Standard currency even with all it's regulations attracts more people who make unwise financial decisions. Casinos are full of them.
Standard currency even with all it's regulations attracts more people who make unwise financial decisions. Casinos are full of them.
You realize you can steal paper and coin currency right? You can also steal regular old money by manipulating electronic transactions. Oh and don't forget credit card fraud. So no you can't blame the currency for it's users storing it in an insecure place like a trading card site.
The whole incident is not making storing your money in any form on a site created to handle trading cards any more attractive. MT Gox stands for Magic The Gathering Online Exchange. You can't blame bitcoin for blatantly unwise financial decisions by some it's users.
Thats how I play Battlefield 4 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Look at the threadstarter, now to me, back to the threadstarter, now back to me. "Girl" and "Gift" still haven't become acronyms in that intervening period. I'm on a horse.
The problem isn't necessarily Coinbase and it's not necessarily Bitcoin, it's user error of the first degree. There is one thing preached day in and day out in Bitcoin circles: don't leave your coins — especially $10,000+ worth — in online wallets because history has proven one thing: they'll get stolen. It's never…
Boy, am I glad real and natural dollars, which God Himself put on this earth, are not vulnerable to fraudulent activity or theft.
Ashley is quickly becoming the worst writer at Gizmodo. Not only is this a bs story, the facts are simply not here. This guy was careless and got hacked. This has nothing to do with Coinbase. They didn't steal it from Coinbase they stole it from the "guy named Jeff" If he is willy nilly with his API key and does not…
If someone is being "hacked," chances are they are not securing their accounts properly.
From my companies training slides this is what the hacker looked like who stole the Bitcoins....
This article is kind of misleading. While Sochi itself exists in a subtropical climate, the alpine events take place in the mountains, some 25 miles away. The events to be held in Sochi are all indoor sports and require no snow or natural freezing temperatures (humidity in relation to ice is another story). So in…
"Hey buddy, you know you really fucking SUCK at driving in the snow!" "I'm sorry, my city shuts down every time it snows, so I have about 5 minutes experience driving in the snow, and that was 10 years ago, with a different car on different tires, and everyone else is in the same boat." "Yeah...well you all should…
No. Just flat out no. Plows are not always out before the snow. Salt either comes too late, or can be washed away by rain that falls ahead of the snow. This makes for longer and more dangerous commutes. There will be deaths, easily topping the 5 in Alabama in larger cities. Yet life doesn't stop for those still alive.…
This is normal, the Earth does this all the time, not in lifetime terms but in thousands and thousands of years terms. Why is everyone so surprised?
Yes, but being accurate and not being misleading is never good click bait.
I wouldn't say that it's "for a price," as this implies you can pay-to-view. I'd say that "those who are paying for cable are able to stream the Olympics." You see this with many premium channels already, and, as it will, presumably, cost NBC some cash to do this, it's to be expected.
Hey lets go find some floozies and void their warranties !
People that deride Bitcoin as 'imaginary' always seem to forget that basically every major currency is just as 'imaginary'.