Sounds like a flawed test. You should have taken into consideration battery life. Instead, you assumed a smaller battery lasted the same amount as the larger.
Sounds like a flawed test. You should have taken into consideration battery life. Instead, you assumed a smaller battery lasted the same amount as the larger.
I could have been that good...but I never had access to that many of the same color!
False. Cell Antennas are still on the top and bottom of the frame. Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth antennas are internal and peek through the glass at the top and bottom of the back panel. The important ones are still on the outside. Of course, the larger size may prevent them from being touched at the same time.
Bare metal + a conductive hand will result in some sort of reception loss. EMF and Antenna theory FTW
One of the best SR71 stories:
This is a step up for giz. You saw this picture on Reddit...and actually made an article! Still no credit though.
Most installations sell back the energy to the grid rather than storing it.
The problem is, wind power has a lot of peaks and valleys. It does not have a smooth curve like solar. These sags and swells from wind power destroy power grids. Studies have shown; if you implement an energy storage system that is 1% of the energy, it could stabilize the grid. Hawaii is a perfect example. They…
You are aware that they have systems like this today? Hydro storage is pretty popular. Thermal, Methane, and compressed air are also far more common than a massive lithium battery. To be exact, pumped hydro makes up 99% of all energy storage solutions (127,000MW). Compressed air comes in second at 440MW. …
Swing it into the drywall. Then put the drywall on the wall!
The ultimate key in AutoCAD
That was absent from the original article. It was modified after my comment. And yes, I forgot to capitalize my M for the nth time.
Dear god. Make a capitalization mistake on the internet where you can't edit and you will hear about it for the rest of time. I guess that is the status of America and the internet.
They stopped surprising me a while ago.
Yes they added that in since the first write. I had to go digging through the source.
You failed to mention this turbines output. It can produce 8mW.
Watched on TV with facebook open and a beer in hand.
I am missing the relevance to the conversation? The chinese knockoff was based off the iPhone 5 not the 4s. The general style may be the same, but it has different dimensions, materials and innards. It is practically a different phone.
Sense you make not. But I'll get back to you in...29 days.