Me, me! Oh wait, that was just the guy who buffs the floors, looking for the power outlet. Carry on.
Me, me! Oh wait, that was just the guy who buffs the floors, looking for the power outlet. Carry on.
There are tons of us, and we do vote, and get out the vote, and speak up. But we can only confront. We can’t stop crazy from being crazy.
“I aways keep asking what is the specific age that I was born, and she has told me that I was born at the age of 11.”
If I could have gone to Bruce Lee Elementary School, I’d be a better adult today.
And he’s funny and self-deprecating, too. Guys who can do what he can do are prone to take themselves a LOT more seriously.
It sounds like a fun thing to try even if it doesn’t work out. Just try not to lose a finger in the process :-)
I’ve had not one but two cats who would walk up to new guests and shake. Never could have trained one to do it, these two just had that magical personality. They were gentlemen. I can’t explain it. I’ve been blessed.
Ugh, when I hear “that obnoxious post was a fake,” I expect to feel relieved, not further disturbed.
Drunk blogging? Drunk blogging.
Yup, and they stay put better, too.
Oh lord. One of these people suckered my mom into the blue-green algae craze a few years ago. I hate to think how much money she lost on it. These people are like secular televangelists.
I’m a straight female, so nah, I’m good. But I kinda think I’d still be good anyway. She crazy. And mean as fuck.
Yes, as much as I enjoyed the Biden-Ryan debate, I do believe I would enjoy this more.
And then: LANGSTON. *bangs head on desk*
Do not tell parents whose lives have been devastated by this disorder that there is no connection.
Can’t find any mention of it, but I wondered if he was impaired. Drive under influence of something — rear-end a vehicle — flip out when driver approaches you — imagine that shooting them is a super-fine response —stand there and survey your handiwork, oblivious to consequences. It could be, though it seems like it…
Um-hmm. Also, “his woman”? Really?
Nah, it’s just an extremely common grammatical error. I get phrasing exactly like that all the time, even from academicians. There’s such a thing as being so fixated on the idea in your head that you fail to notice how it’s coming out on the paper. In spoken use it’s no big deal, but you can’t leave it like that in…
Yeah, but that’s still missing the joke. The joke isn’t about his recovering from a stroke, or that a person recovering from a stroke placed a personal ad. That’s great. Good for him for placing an ad. No snark.