Modest proposal: Ban all marching bands, everywhere.
Can we blame Thomas Hardy? Fuck Jude the Obscure.
Another example of this is this 30 Rock bit:
Really was rooting for Farfeg. Oh well.
Keith Richards disagrees.
Seriously I was like "I feel the same way Adam, only about every song you and Maroon 5 come out with."
Like Adam Levine should be giving anyone musical advice.
Aw, but Macklemore seems like a genuinely nice guy.
I have absolutely no clue
Am I old? Who are these people?
I'm not sure why everyone is so pumped about this...hijab is a mechanism for the oppression of women.
It’s almost like kids these days don’t listen to Steely Dan anymore.
Same. I mean, I’m too old to find him attractive even if I thought he was attractive, but I don’t think he’s attractive.
And people wonder why my name is a thing.
I just shook myself like a dog.
Fiorina is an idiot, but she’s not wrong.