His Stephen Hawking impersonation is spot on, tho.
His Stephen Hawking impersonation is spot on, tho.
Oedipus’s whiny half-brother.
See... he’s a little bit country, and she... well, she’s a little bit rock ‘n’ roll. And this one time, he got peanut butter on her chocolate, or she got chocolate on his peanut butter, no one’s really sure, and...
(I was only kidding. She hasn’t stooped so low as that, yet.)
+ 1 x a zillion
Gwen and Blake. They sing to each other and everything. He really likes the spicy chicken sandwich. She eats a french fry.
God to Gwen:
Have you seen their ad for Zaxby’s?
The quality of live performance depends so-o-o much on how well the singer can hear herself. This may not be a relevant comment, but I tend to cut slack with that in mind.
Meanwhile... THERE IS NO GOD...
Kell Terreeblay?
We cool.
Aw, I’m just messin’ widja ‘cause I know you’re a big prog fan. I have tons of respect for Rush, but even Geddy hates Geddy’s voice.
Oooh, burnnnn!
His singing voice is pretty awful.
Lauren Katlin (Miss South Carolina 2007)
I watched this documentary last year or in 2014, and I’m certain I linked to it from one of the Gawker sites.