
What application, and why does it need X? Depending on why it "needs" a GUI there are multiple possible answers here.

You gave insufficient information, so any answers will have to be general and incomplete. Specifically, you left out information on what your physical disk and partition setup is like. How many physical disks, and what OSes are on which disk? Which is the primary disk, etc.? It matters because some bootloaders

In addition to what Flail said, there's the problem that .com, .net, and numerous other TLDs are managed by VeriSign, which essentially puts them under US control. Likewise for .org and .info, at least potentially - Public Internet Registry (.org) is a US corp, and Afilias isn't a US company but they have branches

Biggest problem with IE: not cross platform. Hell, it's not even well supported across versions of Windows. Microsoft likes to arbitrarily restrict IE versions to specific OSes, presumably to help push upgrades. Want IE9? Still using XP for some reason, such as it being a work machine? Sucks for you.

Ooh, yeah, I can see how that would affect the feel a bit. Just curvy enough that some of the key placement might feel weird and completely different depending where you put hands.

It's not law just yet, so there may still be hope. It still has to get through Senate, and even then, the President can veto it. That's why I suggested it be a Remains of the Day - interesting and good to bring attention to, but not quite worth throwing a full article on the site over just yet.

Plus, realistically, it doesn't matter what the shortcut looks like - memorisation and muscle memory take over pretty quickly and you just move to a certain point of the screen when you want to hit a certain link.

Huh, what keyboard? I've never liked ergonomics so I haven't tried playing games with them. I forget they even exist, actually. Good thought there, the finger distance isn't really any different on a normal keyboard, but ergonomics are weird and it could be a huge difference on them

All kinds, including FPSes. FPSes are why I started using ESDF, in fact, in games like Duke3d and Quake 2. To be clear, what I do is have my hand on the home row, so my pinky rests on A, not on Z. Maybe it's because I type (more or less) properly, but I find resting the pinky on shift or Z to feel strange.

So it makes a great arrangement for one kid to use WASD and the other to use the arrow kids.

Interesting thought, but why is shift so important? I see how it could be slightly easier to hit from WASD (maybe I just have large hands, but I hit shift easily from ESDF) , but I'm not sure why that's such a big deal that it's worth losing three extra pinky keybinds for a minor convenience.

I fail to see your point. The caps lock doesn't feel sufficiently different from another key, and without looking you could just as easily end up with your fingers on tab+QWE instead of caps+ASD. How is this better than ESDF? Especially for someone that knows how to type properly and already uses the home row.

It's apparently custom-made. From the link in the comment above yours, when this was first featured:

Good catch, surprised it got double-posted.

A bit off topic, but I never understood the WASD thing, personally. It makes you move your fingers off home row, unlike its neighbour, ESDF.

Once again, the poll isn't showing up for me, so I'll just say here: two 22" 1680x1050 displays using twinview for one 33680x1050 desktop.

Yeah, you basically give it a list of directories to share, and it handles making them visible as SMB shares that can be set to drive letters or directories on other systems.

First, before anything else: my suggestions here are going to be more work than just installing Ubuntu and calling it a day. It's worth it, because a little extra work at the start can save a lot of headaches and problems later. Make a project of it and do it right. :)

Were you able to do SFTP? I've been trying to do that on a Windows box, but have a second desktop gathering dust that I've wanted to do a server on anyway.