
In other words, your opinion is not, in fact, based on any sort of actual evidence.

I should add that this is, of course, something of a trade-off. You get that stability at the cost of getting the newest software. Ubuntu is usually stable enough that I understand why someone might choose it instead, just to get the newest software.

Anecdotal, just like yours. :) You can google something like "Debian vs. Ubuntu stability" and get similar arguments/claims/anecdotes/whatever to what I said. Good luck finding more examples of people claiming greater Ubuntu stability.

Faulty logic, there. More stable than one alternative doesn't equate to "best in show" it just means "better than the other thing," and considering this is a vote on Linux distributions, comparing it to Windows stability is completely off-topic. Ubuntu's releases, as a whole, are flakier than Debian's. (Not sure how

Even testing is stable.

VOTE: Debian

Ease of use maybe (depending on your personal expectation of what's easy - it's very subjective) but stability? No way in hell.

Oh yeah, Easter. You'd think it'd be easy to remember, considering it's near my birthday, but I always forget about it, somehow.

Openthread seems dead this week. Killed by the Gawker single sign-on?

Try a text-based mail app. You should be able to use something like mutt or alpine in a terminal.

So, I just need to give up all privacy to use a properly functioning Gawker site now. [sarcasm] Great! [/sarcasm]

For command line, I use lftp and ncftp. For anything else, I just use KDE's KIOslaves. ftp://address or sftp://address in any KDE application lets you access remote sites like any other part of the filesystem. This is how Konqueror's FTP works, and is not specific to that application.

Might be too late to suggest an alternative, but I really like the Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH Decent hardware, DD-WRT already installed, $80 USD when I got one last year. Handles some really weird configurations without trouble, I love it.

Quill is supposed to be really good. Infinite Design is interesting but probably not everyone's thing.

Depends on the game. Some games run about the same speed in both, some are noticeably slower, and sometimes a game will be faster in wine. Depends on the game, what features it uses, and how it's made. Console-to-PC ports, which often have problems even on Windows, tend to run like crap in wine. DX10 and DX11

Vbox+Windows is great for a lot of things, but direct3d programs (usually games) tend to work better in wine, and some programs that use extra hardware (graphics tablets) tend to be easier to deal with in wine because USB passthrough can be something of a pain in the ass.

approving comment

Good choice on the desk; I have that one and love how much space it has. Only bad thing about the Galant, to me, is that the glass topped ones (I have the black glass one) don't have the extension pieces and are extremely heavy, so it really sucks when I have to move mine.

While you're at it, you can improve productivity by decreasing physical desk space. You know those tiny desks you had at school? Try one of those for a bit and watch productivity soar! If you think you need more room than that, you're just lying to yourself. Learn to use a netbook with a trackpad (a mouse wastes

Amen to that, 16:10 is my favourite ratio now. I hated widescreen until I was able to get a 16:10 monitor. Now I've got two and it's awesome.