
Another disturbing aspect of this work-wants-your-info trend, to me, is how it affects people that don't use the services.

However, they would be able to see what ports the traffic is on

I've been fairly disappointed with the changes happening since the initial redesign, but I've tolerated them since I love LH and the great commenters here. Once they flip the switch on this, it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Pretty sure it's against Facebook's ToS, not sure about Twitter. Google doesn't like that sort of thing for G+ but I don't think they care for other stuff, not sure.

I'm using Sennheiser HD-595 headphones and they're awesome. Extremely comfortable with great sound. They have a very neutral sound though - they play what they're given - so if you're used to something that tends to be bass-heavy they might sound a bit odd to you at first.

Thanks for the article...I've been a Dolphin user for a while, but never heard of Krusader. I'll definitely have a look!

It does fit the comment, doesn't it? Did it as a joke for an avatar pic somewhere else and decided to stick it on here a while back, too, since I lacked anything better. The placeholder ended up somewhat permanent. :)

You won't find a commander-like interface here, nor will you find a built-in terminal, but it's a very solid file manager nonetheless.

I don't have any problems now, but I used to have a lot of wrist pain and eyestrain problems when I first started spending a lot of time on the computer. I tried different things and made adjustments until I found what's comfortable for me. (Note: this is a mix of personal experience and things picked up from other

and me! The spicier the better, and it doesn't stop me from eating full servings.

You're right, it's currently awful the way it's forced. I sincerely hope that it's just a temporary thing for the consumer preview, with the intent to get feedback on new features by forcing people to use them instead of staying safe in the regular desktop.

HeartBurnKid hits the big points: unnecessary context switches are jarring, and the tablet-sized layout requires a lot more movement - and thus time and strain on the wrist - than a more compact design.

You must be using the developer preview still, because in the consumer preview that registry value doesn't exist, and creating it does nothing.

are you a 6th grade english teacher

What you meant and what you said didn't match, though. You meant to say that you don't use desktop IM clients - that's fine - but what you said is you don't use instant messaging when you do. I pointed out the contradiction because a lot of these services try to mask the fact that they're normal IM services, such as

Another problem is that many (most?) people rely on WP as provided by their webhost, which is likely outdated and insecure.

I recently added ICQ to IM+ for kick and giggles (I have a 7 digit UIN starting with 1)

I don't use IM at all any more, 0%

interesting info, approving.