
The "baseline OS, freedom to customise" thing for vendors would be great — if they actually invested a decent amount of testing into it. Doesn't mean it won't happen, just seems like it hasn't yet, which is probably (partly) why Google started snatching up WebOS people and then went on a crusade to clean up the UI

I've left even longer comments. I try to keep each thought or topic relatively concise, but my opinions are rarely black-or-white, so I often feel I need to supply extra information to make myself clear. It doesn't help that I write my comments in an external editor. They always end up larger because of the comment

Nuance bought swype and seems to be integrating FlexT9's features into it (the writing pad, voice). Probably just keeping the Swype name due to brand recognition.

Well, if you're going to do it, do it right, I say. And this thread has reached epic scale, so you definitely did it right. :)

Your unique blend of trolling and troll-feeding here has turned this into the single longest comment thread I've seen on Lifehacker. Congratulations, I think. ;)

It looks to me like updates are more frequently held up at the carrier level

No problem. There's also another version of the Galaxy Note coming out, and with Microsoft pushing tablets for Windows 8 (they're making their own x86 one) there's a chance more people will make pen-based x86 tablets again. I love them but there isn't a lot of choice on the market unless you go to the high end

It's just a five button + wheel puck that has the same internal hardware as the pen, so it works without batteries or cords. It's pretty comfortable in the hand, and the buttons feel good, but it's not super-special or anything beyond the no-battery-cord-free thing.

i bought it on a lark.

Seems like it based on the link Petyr gave. Thanks for the info. The other comment was response to both of you but you can't multi-reply so this comment is here too. :p

Okay, I see it now. I've only seen a couple of the (smaller) Bamboo tablets before, in a store, and they seemed to look a lot different than that. Darker and without that light band in the middle.

What graphics tablet is that? I can't tell if it's just the photo, or what, but it doesn't look like anything Wacom makes. Kind of odd seeing a knock-off tablet being used alongside overpriced Apple gear.

It really irks me that the "olds" keep saying us "youth" are entitled little snobs, yet the most entitled people I know are some of the customers I deal with...

I'm not denying that people can be rude, entitled assholes to people in the service industry (hey, I waited tables, I know), but her absolute shock—shock!—at being thanked strikes me as a bit disingenuous.

Ugh, you are so right about that god-awful cliche. I'd say 7 times out of 10 here, problems are caused by the customer

Entitlement happened. Everyone keeps hearing that stupid "the customer is always right" line, starts to believe it (it's not true, usually the customer is very, very wrong), and then starts to treat the employees they deal with like servants.

Good comment, matches my experience with both sides of it. Replying to approve, since promote-to-approve quick working with the redesign and never got fixed.

yeah, I do too. Sometimes I just want quick captures of something (like in a game, or a sequence of screenshots in quick succession) which I use the scrot bind for. Other times, when it's not as time-sensitive, I fire up ksnapshot instead and use it. I couldn't imagine only having one or the other :D

K-9 mail* is supposed to be pretty awesome. I have it installed but haven't gotten around to setting it up, so I can't say much other than it seems to be really feature-rich.

Me, too. It's not the first attempt at something of the sort - there was the Motorola Atrix, and something else even before that (but I forgot the name) - but Canonical's take on it seems to be doing a lot of work to make the two sides work nicely together.