the spirit of moira rose

YES. He reads as much more dandy than physical. I loved him in Only Lovers Left Alive and stuff like that (even Night Manager was OK), but after Craig’s physical Bond, they’re going to need someone who doesn’t look like they care too much about having a pretty face.

I think he’d be great in a few years. He still reads as very young (I just checked his age and he’s born in ‘92! what!).

I have bad TGV juju. Last 2 times have included one broken loo sending wafts of urine through the compartment and one broken seat :( Hoping for better luck in 2 weeks. Trying out the Nightjet (newish OBB night lines through Europe) this summer though, which I’m pretty excited about!  

That doesn’t even sound unreasonable. They’re like Mary Poppins, but with jerseys instead of bags.

That’s such a good description though! Will someone eat it? Will the escaped riders at the front get reeled in? Will it be heartbreaking when they’re invariably chewed up and spat out by the peloton with only a couple of km to go? Will some asshole onlooker knock a rider off their bike? Just how many bottles can

I tend to throw everything in the washer (in lingerie bags) and wash them on a gentle cycle which soaks/agitates just enough but not too much (my machine has a setting for handwashing, so I tend to pick that). I also toss in a bit of vanish booster, especially if there’s sports bras involved. I just like living on

Right. Over-regulation strangles business, but under-regulation is maybe (definitely) worse for actual physical people (none of that companies are people too BS!). Like with Uber/Lyft, not a bad idea in itself, but the principle is that a company basically cherry picks the “good” sides of running a business ($$$$),

I can’t judge the Brooklyn impact myself (being abroad and all), but depressingly, the impact doesn’t surprise me in the least. We’re seeing the same here, with whole neighbourhoods basically turning into just giant Air BnB lots, people getting turfed out of their flats so that a landlord can make more money renting

Totally agree. I feel like it used to be better? Like years ago (many years), but it’s devolved into total echo chamber fluff. I first came to Jez because they actually had interesting, challenging content which took me out of my bubble. I’m glad the Root is around now.

For washing cycles, we usually pick a fabric type (first default option is usually cotton, but you also have delicates, synthetics, wool which basically adjusts the agitation level), and then can adjust temperature (95 for near boiling, 60 for hot, 40 is default warm, 30 for cool and * for cold), and you also adjust

For lights, knobs if they’re lights that switch off automatically when you turn your car off, stalk if you have to turn them off manually. Our second “car” is a car share service, and I get irrationally upset by the stupid commands on some of the tiny french shiboxes (cheapest option is a c1, so that gets used a

The brand really makes a difference. Different brands (even ranges within brands) have different padding densities and shapes. My husband swears by his assos. I like vaude. I’ve tried gore and am pretty meh about them.

But true. And it really ages her, when she must actually be really young. I have a friend who loves tanning and I’m like girl, your skin is going to look like an old leather sofa by the time you get to 50.... and you’ll probably have skin cancer.

What an inspiring young man! Talk about being an agent of change.

Ah, I’ve got pretty much the opposite type of foot! I use them a lot while travelling because they are lightweight and perfect for changing into after hiking or wearing while out on water while still having some kind of hold on the feet (unlike say flipflops).

They don’t look cool, but they are comfortable af :-/

Where else am I supposed to keep my skittles?!

Wow, that art sure is something.

My mom’s a car nerd and used to drag her dad, who didn’t even have a licence, to the garage so she wouldn’t get ripped off. His job was literally just to stand around looking manly and agree with whatever she said... The struggle is real.

I mean, she also swings from a garden hose, so cartoonish is about right! I’ve enjoyed the trailers so far, from an esthetics point of view. It doesn’t have a real 80s or Berlin feeling, but in my head it’s just a kind of comic book type thing. Not particularly realistic, but whatever, I can roll with it. The only