the spirit of moira rose

WHY DO THEY KEEP ON HIRING HIM. I was like, oh! Crime cheese! And then saw his stupid mug. Boooo Depp, boooooooooo.

Congratulations to the lucky parents! Wishing all of them well.

Awww, poor little critter :-(

Right??? There was no line that was heavy on obvious business travellers, so I scoped out where there wasn’t people with multitudes of kids/strollers or older folk who looked confused. These looked like well-to-do mid-20s people so I was sure they must at least have seen the inside of an airport during their

I fly to London monthly (from within Europe), and the take your tablets/ereaders out thing has been the norm for a while. I’ve never paid attention to food tbh.

Totally rational anger. This isn’t hazing. It’s not even “just” abuse. Setting someone of FIRE shows complete disregard for that person’s life.

I worked with a lady who was widowed very young. And for years, she really didn’t want to even think about being with someone else. But then the kids flew the nest, and she finally could think about herself again. I think it’s tough when you have kids because you see your spouse in them so much. But then

What I find fascinating is how each of them got to where they are. What drives them, how they behave, how they’ve dealt with the setbacks is all just fascinating.

Not odd at all! Eating in one of those places is about the whole service experience as well. You need staff you can rely on to deliver a stellar performance to the guests who are paying ridiculous amounts of money. If that means you fly a bunch over from Copenhagen, then why not.

but look! they both have a face! and eye holes! and are human! (although I’m still not totally sold on McGowan being human, I feel like he might peel off his alien mask any second).

Wtf is happening here

Stop the presses! College student does college student stuff!

I’m glad I found this comment. It’s what I was thinking as I was reading this article. I think getting people to understand that the two symbols represent the same hatred and desire for supremacy over other humans would go a long way.

ding ding ding ding ding!

I also managed to run over the cord when I was mowing a friend’s lawn. I’m usually not that incompetent, but Christ, dealing with a cord is just more hassle than it’s worth.

Yum! Although, I do remember during medieval french lit classes that one writer was comparing the object of his affection’s boobs to walnuts...

I think it would be awesome if they held an exhibition match for charity! Maybe have a serious set or two, but then do some skill based challenges, or play mixed doubles with some upcoming talent or something, or do a mixed double Roger/Serena vs Venus/Andy Murray, Roger having to play with a pregnancy belly. I

My deodorant (not antiperspirant) is basically a scented alcohol spray. That shit works WAY better than an antiperspirant stick. I also found that with a stick, my clothes picked up a funk from the residue.

It took me a few days of driving to get really comfortable with the iDrive, but it’s so easy, especially since you have the physical feedback with the clicky movement and sound. It’s right there by the gear shift, I don’t have to reach around anywhere, I don’t get finger smudges or screen glare at night. I honestly

Dude looks into camera and goes: “I’ve always been more into ‘cats’ anyway” [wink wink at the camera CATS= LADIES GEDDIT? har har wink wink]