the spirit of moira rose

Mwahaha mwahahahahahahaha! *twirls moustache*

The elusive thing that never happened between 3.x and 95 because i don’t remember os names from over 20 years ago!

Preach. It’s disappointing to see so many jalops not getting this. They’re usually good people. But try walking a mile in our shoes before dismissing us as overly sensitive harpies.

I think that was relatively fancy though. We got internet in 96ish or so and I don’t feel like we were in the majority. Also, 90s dial-up is such a far cry from what we have today. It was soooooooooooooo sloooooooooooooooooow. Now I’m wondering whether we should just give them dial-up and and old Windows 93

Omg nooooooo. Did no one even say the name aloud before going to print?? HOW

Seconding the Panache/Freya recommendations! If you happen to be in Portland (Oregon variety), there’s a store called the Pencil Test which I follow online (I just love the name) which seems to have a good selection.

Wait, that actually happens?

Ha! I feel the same way, but about the mercs! I really dislike the interior layout. It’s just so subjective. Not a huge fan of Bmw’s new ones though... I have a 2010 3 series and love her to bits. That generation feels nice and solid on the inside too.

I remember the first time I saw an X6. I was definitely one of those crazy pills/what is happeniiiiing moments. And then MB put out a similar monstrosity. Who buys these things???

When they introduced the 6er convertible I was like ooooooohhhh, so pretty. It seemed to fill an actual gap. And then the 2er minivan seemed sensible and plugged that B class gap (and they’ve turned out to be super popular here). But then they unleashed a torrent of 2s, 4s and 6s, and it’s just like, are you sure

We did a bit of armchair diagnosing and it was the rice that done it (in the library with the candlestick). All of us had the rest of the food to share, but I had this particular rice dish to myself. Tbh, whatever it was, it was horrendous. I’ve managed to dodge food poisoning pretty successfully during my adult

In my addled state, I decided to eat some dried apricots on day 1 (I guess they were within reach or something). That was NOT a good idea, unsurprisingly. Day after was salty pretzels. Better idea.

So Magnet-o, like rhymes with Cornetto? I dunno whether that’s an improvement on Magneto rhymes with neat-o.

It was super weird, but the doc was like “eh, it happens”. I had no idea this was a thing until she diagnosed it. I just thought I had bad luck and caught some ear thing on top of it.

Been there and it is NOT worth the gamble if it’s sat out too long.  

Having had this particular kind of food poisoning, I can only advise that refrigerating your left over rice is a small price to pay. I have literally never been that sick before. And added bonus, it stuck with me as intermittent vertigo for months. Because that’s apparently a thing that can happen. Fucking

That poor, poor girl. People are such bastards.

I don’t know what I was expecting tbh. Something like whale herding, I guess? A tank on a boat? A lot of things, but not airplanes. Whales on a plane! What the fuck! Just let the poor beasts be where they are.

This hurt my soul and made me laugh in equal measure!

Excuse me but they fly whales?!?! Whaaaaaaaaat