A quarter of the population is non-Swiss, and we have a very popular anti-immigration right wing party. I think it’s probably more to do with having a completely different approach to life. One thing that struck me when I lived in the US was how busy people seem to be all the time, trying to keep up with the…
90 seconds for each of those, I think! I usually dvr them (I’m in Europe and we get the shows either on regular tv or on non-hbo services) and my remote has a 30 second skip function. Clicking that 3 times gets me to the actual beginning of the ep. The intros are great for like 20-30 seconds and then the just…
Yep, at some point they’re at the den and they check on the baby and it’s died. And then Sickboy has a breakdown, and Renton and the mother “cope” by getting high. I haven’t seen the film since the 90s and don’t remember the plot, but the shot of the baby and Sickboy’s reaction stuck with me
You know, as a white person in Europe (caveat we have plenty of problems here, so not trying to minimise those in any way), this is what I don’t get. I really thought that Ferguson and the other horrors would be a turning point. That people would wake up and think what the fuck we can’t just go around shooting people…
That’s nice of you! We have a coupon bin at the entrance to the store. So everyone can drop in what they don’t use and other people can pick them up.
That’s a campaign I can get behind!
I feel like your first sentiment applies to so many situations! Like, who cares??? If you want to (need to) transition, transition! If you want to love whoever, love whoever! It literally doesn’t affect me except for the fact that I’d really rather prefer to live in a world of love and happiness than one of hate…
I honestly don’t know, because a LOT of the comments on other articles are flat out racist/phobic. I hope they can still make a go of the site, but it’s pretty saddening to see this kind of bullshit taking over.
Ashamedly and with a spoon is the only way to go. Or possibly spread on a banana. Super crunchy pb with a hint of salt is the best nut paste. So. Good.
Oooh, I like your thinking!!
Omg how does your friend even live??? That’s a horrible allergy to have! The tahini less hummus is surprisingly tasty, but it also contains a shit ton of garlic, which basically makes everything ok anyway...
I recently accidentally poisoned my husband with mole (peanuts!). Super awks.
My husband is allergic to nuts and sesame so we make tahini-less hummus (chickpea puree??) because murder by allergen is frowned upon. The worst part is that I find myself enjoying tahini and peanuts a lot less since I basically never eat them by proxy. You’d think that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but turns…
The sacred rocks thing did it for me. Like accidentally desecrating a site is bad enough, but using it as a “funny” story?? GTFO. You’re not cute, you’re not funny, you’re a colossal asshole.
High five, ladies! Keep being awesome and inspiring the next generation!
I tried, but I just didn’t get into her show at all :-( Maybe I’ll have to try again.
It’s from just a couple weeks back. It was a good one. And he’s just such a nice dude.
Thanks! I would have thought that the conjunction with the other events would have made that link.
Unless there were a bunch of non-Jewish cemetaries vandalised in the same systematic way at the same time this is *clearly* a hate crime. How is can it not be???