Where is the father’s sense of wonder?! The bears might break the pool. What if they poke holes`? What if they tip it over? I mean, you have FIVE BABY BEARS IN A POOL!!!!! Like I would just diiie.
Where is the father’s sense of wonder?! The bears might break the pool. What if they poke holes`? What if they tip it over? I mean, you have FIVE BABY BEARS IN A POOL!!!!! Like I would just diiie.
Right?! You can’t exactly just hand them back! Why would you browbeat people about such an important life decision (people are dumb, that’s why).
that’s already plenty of pressure. just keep on doing you!
It really does! As a woman, people look at you like you’ve just sprouted an extra limb when you say that you’re not really that into the idea parenthood. And it’s not like we’re nearing extinction as a species (well, maybe we are, but not for lack of reproducing). We can be good influences on future generations…
Totally get you. We’re the same. Objectively, I think I’d make a good parent. I’m in a good place on many fronts, caring nature, stable emotionally, long relationship, good job etc. But I’ve just come to realise that while I like babies, I just don’t really like kids. I don’t want to be up at crack of sparrow to play…
Nah! It’s not a case of missing. That would be weird. But I think that since the stream from a further distance hits harder, you get more splashback. Not like tons, but it doesn’t take much pee for a funk to develop.
I know! Turns out even guys get grossed out by pee splatter stank when properly trained! I don’t see eye to eye with my MiL on many things, but I am eternally grateful for her nope-ing out on bathroom cleaning.
When my husband was a teen, he was allowed to move into the basement flat which had its own bathroom, with the agreement that he would have to do all the cleaning himself. Oddly enough, once he had to do all the cleaning, he decided that sitting to pee was a good idea. So at home, he sits. If out and about he’ll do…
That is a lot of dollars. Also, I sometimes wonder how comfortable some of the small jets actually are just because of the space limitations, but it’s not likely i’ll ever find out!
“Wisdom elf”! Dying!
So cute! And so normal! Like I usually only see her really done up and polished but it really looks like they just hopped in the car on a whim and practiced maybe once.
I always check-in online because yay, seat choice (maybe). So the other day, I’m swapping out my middle seat for a window one and all is well with the world... Until I get to the plane... Because of some malfunction or other, BA had chartered a backup jet. It probably hadn’t been refurbed since the 80s. And the…
THEY KILLED LIZZIE??????????????????
Thanks for the reply. Definitely don’t want to go all crazy white saviour lady on anyone!
This has been running through my head for a day now. You’re the person I “know” (Internet Stranger!) who understands what’s going on best here. From your point of view, what can we do as outsiders? (Like not even on the continent type outsiders). My heart breaks for these people. The kind of desperation that must be…
I’m really glad you googled that because i thought it was maybe related to her shoes, but that didn’t really make sense because they’re just normal heels, so i just dropped it. Seriously, the only people I recognised are Theron and Chastain, and then Common and Salt & Peppa a bit further down. I used to be all like…
I figure as long as they had fun and no one was harmed, then why not. I think it’s kind of hilarious. I mean, OK, maybe a Maserati isn’t for offroading, but if I had a billion dollars and the price of a Maserati was pocket change to me, I’d probably give it a go because why the fuck not. I find it pretty hard to get…
I need to see whether this is on Netflix STAT
I am firmly convinced (and have been since childhood) that headstand will finish with me cracking my head and/or breaking my neck. Not soing it, nuhuh, you can’t make me!