the spirit of moira rose


I’d honestly probably cry if they stopped working.

Before my time :-). But knowing me, that’s probably what I’d have been doing. Keyboard shortcuts are the best!

I still love the old Excel 2003 shortcuts:

On my old Mitsubishi, replacing the right front bulb required small hands and a high pain tolerance from having to squish your hands past god knows what. I was stubborn and broke so I did it myself, but can totally understand why someone would say fuck it, take my money.


I don’t know these, but I have a feeling I’m about to fall into a youtube hole!

Lone Rangers 4 lyfe!

Just, wow...

And let’s not forget Airheads! So dreamy...

iPod Classic 4lyfe! I was talking about this with my husband just the other day. If you have a large (and I mean large) music collection, wtf are you supposed to be putting it on now? The classic was all it needed to be. A large drive and an interface to see what the hell you want to listen to. Mine’s going on 11

Keep fighting the good fight!

God, you’ve been a trooper through this one. Clearly centuries of privilege have 0 impact and it’s just about who can hit a ball harder.

All the stars for you. It’s so much more complicated than ticket sales and sets played. It’s about coming from a place of privilege. Or not.

I got told I have a nice cervix... I mean, thanks? What makes a nice cervix? But I figure as long as it doesn’t feel sleazy or weird then fine.

I’m thinking of buying a second model of a work dress I already own because it has 2 (TWO) functional pockets that you can fit actual stuff into. They’re even zippered!

It’s amazing stuff. I have a couple things from Icebreaker, but it’s pretty expensive (at the same time, it’s not like Odlo and the like are cheap). I have some heavier weight merino stuff from LLBean, but it looks like they’re starting to branch out into lighter weight items as well. But I’m really surprised at how

Go merino and you won’t even get a stank! I’m super sensitive to sweat smells, but I legit just wore the same tshirt for like a week when we went camping last summer. That shit’s amazing. And you get light stuff for cool weather, so it’s not like you’re walking around in a Christmas jumper or anything.