the spirit of moira rose

My mom had fibroids and struggled to get pregnant, but it worked out! Twice! Basically, she couldn’t get pregnant, but once they figure out the problem it was nbd (well, maybe medium big deal). And that’s well over 30 uears ago. But at 70, her uterus is still there and she has 2 kids...

This. So. Fucking. Hard. It drives me to absolute distraction!!!

It’s such an absurd place to find racism, and so sad! (yay insidious/systemic bullshit...) It’s literally about fantasy and celebration, stepping outside the crappy confines of the real world, and about being whatever/whoever you want to be. The last thing anyone should be experiencing is “boo, you can’t xyz because

So inappropriate, but I somehow feel like the two kids who lost their lives in this accident would have found this joke hilarious.

Yes!! And honestly, if mine looked that good, they’d be out there all day erryday. Because hot damn.

Yes! I used to quite like Grey’s and then got a bit bored with it, and I started on Scandal, but that went crazy-pants real quick, and we don’t actually get HTGAWM here, so never tried it, BUT that being said, my opinion doesn’t actually matter. She clearly kicks ass and has proven that shows with POC leads work

With the way the fingers are curled, it looks like a kid borrowed some costume jewellry. It boggles the mind!

My little Mitsubishi Spacestar was such a trooper in the snow! My BMW on the other hand is mostly useless. Thankfully we don’t get that much snow and as long as you take it slow and steady it works out fine. But I keep chains in the car in winter just in case.

Interesting. Thanks for the insight. Regarding the Grand Slam winners, I figure that even with high winnings, their costs must also be exorbitant, like trainers, medical staff, management etc, or would this be picked up by sponsors? I literally have no idea.

It’s just so shit. 2 colleagues have gone through the same recently. On one hand, you know the pain will end and you’ve effectively already mourned, on the other hand your spouse/partner is gone forever. So fucking awful.

I find it weird that the Martian would be in the comedy category (or musical for all the ABBA??). It’s a great movie, but clearly a drama with funny bits. It’s not being played for laughs. I haven’t seen Trainwreck, but loved Spy.

To be fair, I watched the Adele at the BBC special yesterday, and Adele songs are even risky for Adele :-(

Truly madly deeply!!!

You know what, I don’t even remember the explanation. I’ve actually seen I-III and I couldn’t tell you the plot of any of them apart from something something moody Hayden Christensen gets his limbs cut off, falls into lava and becomes Darth Vader. The only line that stuck with me is “Anakin! You’re breaking my heart!”

I missed TrashCan! I guess it just means I have to go see it again :) I might have cried with joy a little bit while watching it. It really is like being home.

I see what you did there!

I actually loved the bits of TFA that recall ANH/the originals. Like the target lock screens or the rebel base which looks like the old one down to the transparent boards and holo map projector thing! The only point that grates a bit with ANH is the dialogue. Some of it is supremely corny. But I bet we’ll be saying

You’re right, this was so much more polished than the original. Luke was the worst at the beginning. “But Uncle Owen, I was going to go to the Toshi station to pick up some power converters!” Whaaaaaaa. Oddly, when I googled “Luke whiny quotes”, this is what came up first.

They are a bit, aren’t they. Just goes to show how different things were! But I’m going to keep on wearing my rose tinted glasses :) They *are* my childhood, dodgy dialogue and all.

OMG some of the dialogue from A New Hope has not aged well. And I think I’m probably being charitable because I’m not sure how awesome 70s audiences would have found it back then either... It was pretty clunky. I think I’m on team TFA...