the spirit of moira rose

Nonononono! Why do people do that??? I have friends who are like, I’m from [insert Mediterranean country], we don’t burn, as I’m applying factor 50. Dude, you’re red and peeling, you’re burnt... And you’ll look like a leathery old sofa by the time you’re 50. Embrace the sunscreen. Your skin will thank you. I like

Omg that’s amazing! Also, to be fair, that’s pretty much what they taste like, so.....

GTFO! What an asshole thing to do! So sorry for your Nala :-(

I’m going to go with option one. We’re all allowed to be idiots and not get raped. Being with friends is supposed to be a safe space for us to be as stupid as we want!

So much. Kylie is literally being packaged as a Kim 2.0. Don’t know about the other sister, but she seems to be doing OK for herself as a high fashion model? That at least seems like more of a career than Kylie (God, I’m judgey) and like she actually wants to do that? With Kylie, it seems completely out of her hands.

Do not get. Seriously.... Just no. I’d be pretty mortified if my child was posed like that. It’s one thing if it’s a “either I do this or starve/die” scenario, but these girls literally have the world at their feet. She has the resources to do basically anything she wants. And of course, we’re all here having looked

How old is she even? Barely 18 irc. I feel gross just having looked at these pics. The objectification is just ugh... And she’s so young. Words escape me.

I’m the child of parents who went from poor to upper middle class. One thing my parents also did with us was to have us run our own budgets from being early teens. So we obviously had all our chores and “work” stuff, and then we had a larger allowance/pay which was meant to cover transport, lunch, clothes, phones

I like the cut of your jib!

I’m in FX and it’s as gross as ever! Although now they’re sometimes like “guys there’s a lady in the room! We can’t talk about Tim’s sexual escapades in Thailand!” As opposed to just inflicting whatever Tim did on my delicate lady ears..... I don’t think they have any self awareness as to just how ridiculous they are.


I can still remember my fear of sliding off the tower to my untimely death when we saw it in like 1991. Shit was so unsafe!!! I so feel for her!!

Jesus fucking Christ I am so sorry! Why do people have to be such dicks?!

My not very charitable thought : karma’s a bitch, granny...

so much hops it tastes like you’re drinking bong water

As a European who’s lived in the US and who had aspirations to go back in my younger years, I have to say that this is true. It’s basic things like holidays and healthcare that make me not want to move to the US again. Which is a shame, because it’s a beautiful place with so many interesting opportunities and the

It’s really not too bad, and quite minor. There are a few seconds of Hiddle butt, but that’s about it. Nothing that you can’t just both stonily sit through and ignore!

I do that during really boring teleconferences!

So I actually am using a primer, which I bought specifically for this shadow because I’ve read enough Millihelen and watched enough Lisa Eldridge videos to know that primer is a thing! But I really need to try the wet thing now, that seems to be the consensus. Thank god for you guys and the internet!

Ahaaa. Seems to be the water that does the trick then. I’ve got the angled brush, but I was like, this isn’t doing anything. And I don’t want to trash this beautiful eyeshadow because it must have cost a fortune!