the spirit of moira rose

Thank you for taking the time to write this up!!! Lookingfwd to trying it out :-)

So a friend just got me a beautiful bright blue (like saphire blue) shadow from Chanel’s new collection. I can’t get the pigment to pack on with a brush and have had to resort to using the teeny spongy thing to apply it in almost a cat eye look. What brush should I be using to get intense clear lines? I can usually

This gif summarizes the fundy hypocrisy so well! Perfection.

So gross

So true. She’s always kinda been relatable in that way (at least if you’re not a fashion beast!)

I’m digging the hair. She looks cute. My only issue with with her dress. I think it’s the combo of deep V with mullet skirt. Just no. Also, it’s doing terrible things to her boobs :( Maybe something plainer to provide a nice canvas for her hair would have been a good option.

Also, since you’ve shown me your booby, i’ll show you my tits

So hawt!

I am actually outraged on behalf of the fetus that may have been...

Give a bash? They have a couple weeks’ free trial, and then you can choose whether to subscribe or not.

My husband has/had really tight Achilles/Hamstrings before trying yoga (like could barely touch his knees kind of stiff). Anyway, it took a couple of weeks, but the improvement was amazing (hands on floor and all). To be fair, you could probably accomplish the same with “regular” stretching, but some good vinyasa

Yes (but would advise going to at least one class to just kinda get someone to take a look at your form); yes; people are usually concentrating too hard on not falling over to notice; and I’m sure they could if you write it out big enough.

At least it wasn’t herpes?

That is legit THE nastiest thing. I’m right with you on the wipes thing.

I’m a lousy 5’7”, and I subscribe to everything in this thread. I can’t even imagine being a whole foot taller. I’m in central Europe and I’m probably in the 5 tallest women at the office (300 pple), tallest of my girlfriends, clothes are too small/short all around. It’s a fucking pain, and l don’t even have it half

I was ready for that story to get kinda creepy or weird, but that’s super sweet! Congrats!

Glam AF! I think you look amazing!

I have a couple of those. The one in your link and one a size up which I always take as an extra bag if I go somewhere I might shop a lot. They are so durable. And the small one fits a decent size laptop so I usually take it for biz travel as well.

I know. Hideous, just hideous. No idea how she could even face the outside world with a face like that :/

You’re the second person I’ve seen bring this up on here, so I’m kind of wondering whether it’s maybe something that’s fallen out of mainstream US christian practices? We definitely still have it in Catholic rituals in Europe. There is a 30 day and 1 year anniversary rituals. I’m not saying one or the other is better