the spirit of moira rose

On the up side, the Blue Lagoon isn’t that great (a bit touristy), so you didn’t miss too much on that front! Or something?

That kid either caught its death or now has an immune system of steel. But thinking back, I don’t get why the parents didn’t just ask for a blanket for the kid to crawl on. I’m usually a bit suspicious of the cleanliness of those airplane blankets, but they can’t be worse than the floor, right?

Sooooooo gross. Like I could imagine having a blanket and putting that down and letting them crawl all over it, but straight on that floor... No. Just no.

On one pf my last long haul flights, there was a couple with a baby sitting by the economy bulkhead where you can hook in the bassinette/cot thing. Super cute baby and all, but it did spend quite a bit of time crawling around the floor and LICKING THE CARPET as babies do at that age where they get the urge to feel

Norman! Never forget!

I travel a lot to the region for work, and I remember the first time I was queuing to get through Dubai customs. We came in at the same time as a Sri Lankan flight and the way those guys were treated by customs and security was appalling (shouting, threatening). I feel like they’ve gotten better at hiding this

Yeah, I think so too. I’m just not feeling the red bra. But another colour bra would be weird as well, so that’s why I would think like a skin (aka white) suit for the torso, or just go full contrast with black. I guess it wouldn’t if it were the same shade as the dress. Or gold.
I don’t know, but question has been

That’s just totally made my day!

seriously? that’s amazing. also, i need stripper heels.

I feel like she’s starting from a pretty good baseline. Unless you’re telling me that I’ll improve to that level in the next 30 years? Because I can work with that too.

Gorgeous for sure, but I’m not tooootally feeling the red-but-not-same-red bra underneath. I feel like either go with a skin coloured suit underneath or do a contrast colour. What I love about her is that she always has amazing posture/aura. Like she *is* glam.

Liz is way cooler than I’ll ever be! I’m totally crushing on her.

Try the Indefinitely Wild blog/sub-site thing over on Gizmodo. It’s more outdoorsy stuff with the occasional travel guide, but it might be more your speed?

I was expecting a cover of Dusty Springfield's You Don't Have to Say you Love Me because it's 6.30pm and I've had a long fucking day and can't read good, but this was gorgeous. Thanks for turning me onto her. Also, Jessie needs to get on them Dusty covers because her voice would be perfect.

God I hate CDG.

Now that you’ve sprinted through the entire airport and begged strangers to let you cut in line so you can make your connection, you’ll also be glad to know that your flight is delayed.

Honestly, Margret is killing it.

They may not be sexy, but they are useful as hell and crazy comfortable.

I know I've read this book. I KNOW it. But for the life of me, I can't even remember a single thing about it :/ Hopefully the series is good because yay good series? That's pretty much all I can contribute here.