the spirit of moira rose

Exactly. I might not agree with them and sometimes the humour's a bit eyeroll inducing, but it's not just "harhar black people are like monkeys". I mean, I know that we're not the most racially progressive around these parts, but we're not THAT backward. But spot on that an extremist of any kind is not going to

I always wonder how they don't break/sprain something!

They also need a LOT of context. You can't look at them for abroad and expect to understand the subtext. I've seen a lot of images circulated around here and out of context, they look beyond reprehensible, but if you know the background and can read the subtext, they make a lot more sense.

"Has anyone ever said you look like Sean Connery?" - Bondception!!! Those studio execs better listen to Patsy.

Fetch my smelling salts! He's a total dreamboat. With them eyes, and that smile, and that jaw... Oof

I love me a JK, and I think he can pull if off, but if you gaze deep into those baby blues, you'll see a cry for help. Michael on the other hand seems to have given up on life, and i can't even blame him. There's way too much yellow going on there. And the flowers look like they've taken a beating.

Did you see what they did to JK Simmons and Michael Keaton??? Blue eyeliner, fake lashes and a sunflower explosion. Like what the hell, you guys.

He's always been super hot! There's definitely no shame in admitting that at all.

OMG Mark Ruffalo???? If you hadn't spelled that one out, no way I would have recognised him. And poor all of the other people. I feel like the least bad are Julianne Moore, Cumberbatch and Knightley, and Oyelowo (I mean the lemons are stupid, but at least it's not Keaton's getup). But wow, Mark Ruffalo, Michael

That is literally the only way this could have happened. Literally.

Wow. Maybe it's the names? Cat S[tevens] and Fats sound pretty similar... I can imagine forgetting which is which as a kid.

Lady Mary's suitors are the worst for that! Have you seen the latest season's Xmas special? One guy shows up and I'm not sure whether he's new to the Downton thing and I've just seen him in another old timey thing, or whether he's one of the dark hair, snotty accent, pale face brigade.

Right?? My husband's just all "they look nothing alike". But I don't know? Blonde and pretty? They probably look nothing alike if you have them side by side, but they just have no differentiating features in my head.

Seriously. I'm legit terrible with faces, like I think dude from Vikings and dude from Sons of Anarchy look alike, and fail at Dylan McDermott or Dermot Mulroney, but even I can tell those two apart.

This never gets old!

That sounds kinda suspicious, no? Like I think it was maybe between the ages of about 6-9? Don't everyone's first grade pics feature a grin missing a few teeth? There's no way it dragged on til I was like 13.

I think maybe a river otter with some very unfortunate face fillers? But that's mostly just based on the fact that I can't think of anything else with 4 legs and webbed feet and that rough shape. Whatever it is, I'm not going to stop laughing. The look of despair permanently etched on its face is just too much.

The sexy pose, the cheeky grin, the chest hair. Squirrelburt is hawt!

I'm laughing way too hard at that poor otter's extremely sad afterlife. The expression on its face is everything.

So much. I remember ads to fly to Brussels when it was really Charleroi, and the Stockholm flight also landed somewhere not in Stockholm. The only time I've flown with them was all the way at the beginning when you could actually get a flight for a quid. And thankfully, flying London to Dublin was actually OK.