the spirit of moira rose

That's a little bit weird for some of these things (like chicken and turkey gross me out), but relatively normal for the rest. We literally eat tartare everything here, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

option "the fuck why...." however, a bit of sugar into the sauce while you're cooking it (i'm talking less than a teaspoon), yes.

I'm with you, unfortunately. I know that it's not my problem whether she's so thin because she just is or whether she's ill or whatever, but she really looks like she needs a break. Her face also looks so drawn. I'm not a huge fan, but hope she's alright.

I'm so sorry! People can be such assholes, and on so many levels.

In Malheur County :( Talk about nominative determinism.


Thanks! I'll keep it in mind.

Oh! That musical autopsy thing sounds super interesting. I've had a Google, is it the Dose of Buckley stuff?

Spot on. I think they're actually super cute pics. She doesn't seem to be wearing the usual ott makeup and is making a normal, happy face. Thumbs up for Kim (never thought I would ever say that).

I propose a Sexiest Men category and they can both win? Because that's win win wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.

I think it's maybe not so much vacation as in "screw the cat, I want cocktails at the beach", but more in the sense of just having a break, or being able to attend family functions. Respite care if you will, like you'd have with an ill relative. It sounds like these people need a new vet more than anything. The cat

Are you fucking kidding me???? (not you you, but the general you)

And that's OK! Your safety comes first.

I think that's what it comes down to. It has to be a balance between the corporate interests (like having a company that turns a profit so it can continue to exist and pay wages) and the employees' interests (fair wage and working conditions). If either side holds the other to ransom, it falls apart. My biggest

Spot on. If she had gone with that, we'd get a "but she's priviledged and has no idea what she's talking about" article. And fair enough, she would have no idea, so let her write her goddamn piece of fluff pop song about having fun in NY.

I think someone above who works in the industry said that a lot of stuff just gets forgotten by passengers rather than lost by airlines. Like, I check my bag and just never pick it up. Now, I don't know how someone could forget a bag, but maybe if you're a bit (lot) frazzled, or are having to herd a bunch of people

Yes! Maybe don't clean the bathroom for a while and see whether he comes to the conclusion that he should maybe do it? And that he might want to minimise cleaning effort by sitting his ass down to pee, therefore reducing the amount of splashback?

When my husband was in his late teens, he moved into the granny flat (independent annexe), and had to do all the cleaning etc himself. He quickly found out that peeing sitting down makes for less cleaning and was therefore a good thing.

I know exactly what you mean. That gif does things to me...