the spirit of moira rose

The entire thing is just too fucking awful and I'm feeling pretty conflicted. On one hand, I'm pro-choice and think that birth control and abortions should be freely and widely available no questions asked and I'm OK with third trimester abortions where there's risk to the woman's life or there are major issues with

I'm not loving it. Every time I see her at these events I just think that she could do so much better! She's such a pretty lady, but she always ends up drowned in fabric. But at least this one takes the waist in and isn't bat-wingy looking. Maybe a neckline more like Danielle Brooks'? Or sleeves with that kind of

I agree that there's just no reason to drag the poor pregnant animals to the Fair to give birth. But you could do a feed à la BBC's Springwatch and the like. Basically, a bunch of cameras in nature/at farms and you wait for something to happen. This is an actual thing that airs like every evening during the series

I think it's the way the sleeves poke out from under the front thing that breaks the look for me. Either go full Balmain (someone posted the original in another thread), or just skip the slightly poking out sleeves altogether. Otherwise, I think it's actually a pretty cool outfit and very unKim (cept for the

Me too. From a cis point of view, I don't know whether it's maybe easier in Europe than the US? It seems like there's lots of stories of people being body shamed at the pool or beach or wherever, whereas here I haven't actually come across it. Like I'm chubby going on fat and I've never had anyone make a comment at

Oh absolutely. I meant more if someone was just happy to flaunt their bod in all its glory. Which I hope is something we can all work toward.

So I've just been thinking about your "unusual bodies" sentence. At first I was thinking that I would probably do a double take if someone who hadn't undergone reassignment were getting changed in the same changing room. It's just not something you come across a whole lot. But then I was thinking that I would

Yes! That's what we used to do with my family when I was younger. I don't know whether it's still a thing here if you don't live in a farming community. Thankfully the town we live in here (Switzerland) has a great butcher who has all kinds of stuff. Like the other day a guy walked in and asked whether he had some

Oh, I had no idea about the app. Thanks :) I'll have a look at it. I just use online/print resources, but an app would be cool.

I'd be OK with him replacing the ice with just an assemblage of sharp or pointy rusty objects and then giving it another try. For ALS.

Culture definitely skews it. Personally, my issue is more with husbandry practices for farmed animals and sustainability for wild ones. I am happy to eat (or at least try) any kind of meat if I know it's been raised well or hunted/fished sustainably. So if for example there were too many sharks or whales or

:( If BB US is as bad as the UK one, him being the WORST must be quite something.

I gotta say, you are one of my absolute favourites with the weird stuff you post. Never change, Mark!

These people, honestly. I don't even know what to say.


I don't even have that to fall back on! I always wondered how "the olds" didn't know who someone was (mooooom, how can you not know what Saved by the Bell is??), but now I know. It's crazy how quickly it goes.

Me too. I know Ariana Grande exists because she appears on this site, but I don't think I've ever heard her stuff. I'd say it's because I'm in Europe, but Google tells me she's had a UK #1, so I think it's just me not being down with the kidz :(

Shocking! It'll be our little secret ;)

Ha! That's actually our next holiday plan. We'll camp time around though. Last time we did car/hotels or guesthouses. If you're into music, I can also recommend the Airwaves festival. We went last October/November for just a couple of days and it was good fun.

Oh, absolutely. I could go there and just eat all day. I'm just not a fan of red peppers, which seem to be pretty popular when you're in the smaller places outside Reykjavik so at some point I'm like "aaaargh enough with the peppers" and stuff my face with langoustine and char and all of those good things. I do