the spirit of moira rose

It's ok. My genetic pool is a long line of mountain farmers. We're all big boned and sturdy looking. I'll never be dainty. It sucks when people are looking cute and you're the lumbering giant, but you know what? Screw it. It also means that I don't have to work hard to put on muscle (not definition mind you, but

I'm surprised they even went ahead and did it on you! A friend of mine here with blond body hair went to inquire about getting it done and they were like, nope, you'll risk burns and it won't work that well.

Puffins are the absolute best (and other auk-like things). I actually thought that bird watching would be super lame, but I gotta say, watching these seabirds was just so much fun! The puffins looks so awkward flying and coming in for a landing (compared to birds like arctic terns and skuas and kittiwakes and

Puffin was definitely a menu option more than once when we were there. We never had it because we both figured that tiny seabirds probably didn't taste that great. Other than that my husband gorged on lamb and I pretty much just ate all the seafood I could get my grubby paws on. The only thing I got sick of pretty

Ha! I'd like to introduce you to my inlaws, who clearly believe there is a computer fairy and things just magically connect. I cannot describe the HOURS I have spent explaining things to them like what is a window, why is the internet and your email not the same, how to move a file from a to b. I've sat down with

That's a really nice thing to do! I'd personally appreciate it if someone offered help when I'm obviously struggling with something.

I think we can agree that pretty much anyone but James Corden would have been better!

I hadn't, but I just looked it up on the internets. I think you might have sold me on giving Alan another go. He seems to be slightly less shrill than when he was first starting.

Agree. We don't fight either and we're at 10 years. We don't agree on everthing, but we're happy to disagree if we can't convince each other. We're both pretty conciliatory and willing to compromise and are generally on the same page about big issues, so there isn't really anything to fight about. Obviously if he

I get you. For my parents it made sense for my mom to stay at home, take care of the kids, the house and pretty much everything else while my dad worked. He had the better education (with financial support from my mom and scholarships), and we live in a place that was pretty backwards with regards to women in the

You sum it up perfectly. We don't really talk about it because, well, it's the past and it's not going to change and he was doing the right thing from his point of view. I'm not going to add to the guilt that he already feels. It's just sad.

That's awesome! Good for them!

My dad was an exec as well. Hardly saw him when we were kids as he was off travelling all the time and/or working crazy hours. I know that he believed he was doing the right thing, coming from a humble background and making his way through the corporate world to give his family the best opportunities possible. My

Too much wood! *snigger*

Also, love the username!

I think the only issue I have with Carr is that his voice can be a tad grating. But otherwise, him (or pretty much anyone) over Corden any day of the week. I just can't with Corden.

I actively avoid things he's in. I can't put my finger on what it is exactly, but he is just beyond annoying. He has this permanently smug look on his face that I just want to punch. I would rather watch Alan Carr for a whole day than 5 minutes of Corden.

I root for pretty much every show that has a BAMF female lead, but that's kind of what turned me off about Scandal. I want to like it, but the relationships are just soooooooooooo unhealthy. And I want to punch Fitz through the TV pretty much non stop. Actually, if you took Fitz out, I'd probably be OK watching it.

Honestly, as far as "frivolous" spending goes, I think it's actually quite sweet! If she can afford it, why not? It gives someone a job, keeps the bun happy; it's win-win as far as I can tell.

I knooooooow! Next game I'm not saying anything until it's over.