the spirit of moira rose

I was actually going to ask about the logistics in terms of belly movement. But I guess a belly band is like a sports bra and stops everything bouncing around too much. I've never been pregnant, so so many thoughts!

Wait, are Birks back in style??? That's a trend I can get behind!!

Another US/NA user actually mentions it further up the chain. Maybe not? If my car smelled like an ashtray, I'd probably give it a go. To be honest, the dealer sounds like a bit of a scammer in this case....

Also, not all cats are cuddlers! Ours like to be near us, but not necessarily on us.

I just take issue with shimmery pink lipstick. I'm having early 90s flashbacks and NOT in a good way. Much prefer the second look.

Not even kidding. What the ever loving fuck...

I've been there. I tried keeping something down all day (a bit of water, plain crackers, porridge, anything with actual flavour wasn't going to happen), but towards evening I caved and just took some meds that prevent the stomach from spasming and making you vomit. Then, I could actually keep down a glass of water

The eyelashes I think could be natural. Some guys sadly just have really nice eyelashes and I'm totally jealous (although I would not put waterproof mascara past him). But dem eyebrows! They're just so perfectly plucked and shaped that they look painted on. Or maybe the stray hairs migrated to his lashline. Or

Hopefully yes! I think they'll need to do some serious soul searching though because none of them played well and defense was worse than usual. Djourou and Berhami were totally not on point. Senderos hasn't had a lot of play this season etc etc. I think the Von Bergen incident threw them for a loop, but these

Yes, there is! But getting thumped by the French is pretty much The Worst. And 5 (almost 6) goals on top of it. Hopefully they'll get it together for the next game! I'll be here cheering again :)

Yep. This is me from beyond the grave. The particular pain of being the supporter of a really crap team. Every 2-4 years, hopes and dreams are brutally crushed. You'd think I'd have learned by now...

I think you're not allowed on the pitch if you're bleeding. Otherwise yep. Unless something is broken/concussed or needs stitching, get it bandaged and keep on going. I don't watch any "real American sports" apart from NHL hockey, but I have to admit that those guys can take a beating.

Clearly! We got an update on Swiss tv that he actually got carted off to the hospital for treatment for the busted face and observation for a suspected concussion.

The score makes me feel blue

It's soooo baaaaaad....

I might move on to hard drugs in a minute. What the actual fuck...

Right? Pop that eyeball back in and stop being such a wuss!

Ok, I'm just going to get the vodka and numb the pain. This isn't going well.

Well shit. Wound on Von Bergen doesn't look good :(

2 Euros and a World Cup isn't a bad haul. I'd be happy if my team made it out of the group stages once in a while :(