the spirit of moira rose

I figured it was always just me when I was smaller busted! They usually just seemed to pull my boobs down with them rather than do anything productive. And I probably have like 4 different ones. I always think that the next one will somehow magically be different...

Also, what other materials would have been readily available? Stone would be impractical (and porous too), and metals would have been expensive and hit or miss on corrosion resistance. So wood made sense at the time, but who knows how things might have turned out if different materials had been available.

Sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how it must feel not to be taken seriously :(

Honestly, I'd tend to agree with that statement just because I've found that in my experience, no race/gender/orientation/nationality/hair colour has the monopoly on assholishness. There may be different types of assholes, but I'm pretty sure they're distributed evenly throughout the population.

Thanks for the explainer!

Strapless bras for big boobs are a LIE (unless you have a really good one you'd like to share the name of?)

hope springs eternal...

It's a pretty shitty job, unfortunately. I hope that one day they'll get a video ref like in rugby or video replay like in hockey. All it takes is an unfortunate angle to make a bad call, even for a good ref. We tend to forget that they don't get the zoomed in replays and slo-mos that we get on tv.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that!

I think it's one of those things when if you don't know any different, it doesn't bother you. Also, weirdly, when you stop using deodorant, you kind of smell for a little while, but then it sorts itself out. I don't know how it works, but it just kinda does... Getting back on GoT, honestly, I think I could probably

I'm so sorry for your friend.

That's the spirit. My home country's team is terrible, but I'll be there watching and cheering. They'll get whooped, we'll get drunk. It's all good.

Swiss accounting, I believe. Ge

Swiss accounting, I believe. Ge

In that case you're all set.

Avoiding places where you might encounter a baby might be tough though!

Ugh, so much. I don't have kids myself, but I really don't get what the big deal is. Baby's hungry, you feed it. End of story. Whether it's the boob or the bottle, I really don't care.

And she retired from playing a good few years ago!

Huh. Guess what I'll be measuring this weekend! I also like the fact that your foot's the length of your inner forearm and your wingspan's about your height.

It's ok, me too. I got my diameters and circumferences mixed up.