I would watch the shit out of that. And I stopped watching True Blood after season 1.
I would watch the shit out of that. And I stopped watching True Blood after season 1.
So, since I have the opportunity to ask here... I've travelled extensively including in the ME, but since I did always have access to paper, I never used the hose provided for fear of getting poopy water everywhere and flooding the bathroom and generally making a mess that I wouldn't want to have to explain to the…
I think hope springs eternal, but Ned coming back would sound like some weird forced Days of Our Lives level stuff. There's already plenty of "you thought they were dead, but surprise!" going on. I'm OK with him beind dead. It was brutal at the time, but I've adjusted, thanks.
I feel you!!!!! It's total BS. ALL OF IT. I just tried on a pair of Fjallraven trousers 2 sizes bigger than I normally wear and they STILL didn't fit. I would have had to get at least another 2-3 sizes bigger (which doesn't even exist). I have a rage-stroke every time I'm at the outdoor store.
O.M.G. This, so much. Try finding hiking trousers in size 16 equivalent in Europe. Not a fucking chance. I'm also tall-ish, so if something does happen to fit over my butt, it doesn't cover my ankles (same with short sleeves on tops/coats/etc). Apparently, only short, trim women do outdoorsy stuff. I've had some…
That's the thing. Of all the people involved (and I'm assuming Pharrell has people doing the thinking for him) no one thought this was a stupid idea, considering the number of similar incidents over the past couple of months? The sheer amount of stupid involved is staggering, and there's plenty of blame to pass…
One last thing. I've had thoughts I'm not proud of, so glass houses and all that. If you're able to reflect on your mistakes and grow as a person and evolve into someone who's a bit less of an asshole, that's a step in the right direction.
That's just it. I wouldn't be using the word he used because it's just not my go to reaction. I tend to favour four letter expletives, but I'm pretty sure I'd lose it too. It was a shitty thing for him to say, but he's owned up to it. Unfortunately, it is a common insult for a certain generation, so let's keep on…
It's just like really?? You really thought this was a good idea and that no one had done this recently?? Like really really?? The ignorance and obliviousness are just mind boggling. Giving up sounds about right.
I can't even deal any more today. Can people please just stop being assholes?
You can actually see the fabric of the underwear wrap around the hips, and then I guess between dem buttcheeks?
Just to second what justdiealready replied with regard to the hair. If you don't have the confidence to just say fuck it and go hairy, try the laser. It really is amazing. I have coarse and dark body hair and it's a godsend. Strangely, I don't mind my hobbit feet, but I hated the shadow under my armpits. So I…
As an outsider, that's pretty much how I read it, so thanks for confirming. I've always been taught that tranny was an insult because as you say it's basically a deprecating way of saying man in a dress. I find it shows a lack of respect and lack of interest in differentiating cross dressing from transgender. It's…
I always stop by the Hermes boutique when I'm at the airport. They're surprisingly good about freebies even if you don't buy anything. Just friendly staff, I guess. To be honest I was just happy to find something that didn't stink to high heavens by the time it was on my skin!
My father in law, his mother, aunt and cousins were taken by the Russians in the East. I still dread to think what the two women had to do to feed the kids and make it West. Fact is that you're going to do what it takes to survive, especially when there are kids involved. I'm glad there are heroes in the world, but…
Ugh, Bulgari and Chanel scents do that to me. It's like "oh, that smells nice, let's try it on" and then it just smells aaaaaaaawful on my skin. Washing it off doesn't even work. They just leave my skin smelling rank.
It's a lot easier to pretend we'd be heroes when it didn't impact us directly. I'd like to think I would have stood up for the downtrodden, but honestly, I'd probably just try to stay alive.
I just can't imagine taking the risk. I know they're coming from a good place, but that doesn't give me the sense of security I'd need. To each their own I guess. But agree that as long as everyone is healthy and happy, it doesn't matter whether it's breast or formula!
I'm at a huge multi-national and it's true that there are just so many possibilities. Sometimes you feel like a number (which you are, let's be honest), but you if you put in the effort, you can really carve something out for yourself.
Whaaaaat? I wouldn't buy and consume food/drink offered by random strangers on the internet for myself, let alone my kid! What in the world are they thinking?? Do they also encourage their kids to accept candy from strangers??