Mara Jade Lives, Always

As someone who was very excited when Splinter first started and I got ungreyed pretty quickly despite not commenting all that often, I applaud this move. Too many trolls have made reading the comments more in line with “never read the comments” than a place to actually have a discussion and for people to contribute to

I loved that they didn’t go to the easy drama with Oliver and Connor. There were several times I thought they would: Oliver’s mom not liking he’s gay, blaming Connor for Oliver being positive, but they didn’t and it made it all the more poignant. I really liked the moment between Connor and Oliver’s mom.

Exactly! I do CPR pretty regularly and Another One Bites the Dust is what’s running through my head the entire time. It not only gets the correct speed of compressions but it keeps me going for that interminable two minutes until there’s a pulse check.

I realize I’m a day late, but this is what people are talking about when they say liberals are hypocrites. Way to play into their hand.

Came here to say that very thing. And it’s not like it’s in an out of the way or easy to miss area. She’s got her own huge pedestal, right by the road and the entrance to the park.

I’ve said this so many times but I’m going to say it again. The Dems need Joe Manchin. Sure, he’s not the ideal Democrat, but he’s the only type that will win in WV. I was born and raised there, I live in NYC now. I understand he doesn’t represent everything most Democrats stand for, but he’ll vote with the Dems a

Honestly, once their CEO spoke out against marriage equality and hasn’t hid his disdain for those who are LGBTQ, it didn’t help in bringing in people that age or younger — even a tad bit older. I remember a lot of people weren’t the happiest and quit supporting their business.

As someone who grew up in West Virginia, I can say that yes, a lot of West Virginia people racist. Racism, sexism, homophobia, being an atheist in the bible belt, they are all reasons I left.

I didn’t think it was that bad. Yes, it wasn’t one of the better show endings, but I honestly have no idea how it could have been done better with where they had taken it these last seasons. I saw Shonda Rhimes on her book tour a few years ago and she said she knew exactly where Scandal was ending, and I wonder what

This season was the best yet! I watch a lot of TV, but this is one of the few shows I had a NEED to watch right away. That ending! My hopes were dashed as soon as Eliot said “play with me”.

I agree with every aspect of this review.

I love me some LMM, but I agree he doesn’t have the chops for Jesus or Judas. Maybe Chris Jackson for Jesus in sticking with the Hamilton theme?

Having grown up in the Bible belt, I know so many Christians who HATE JCS because it doesn’t show the resurrection. Never mind that the narrator is Judas who is dead at that point, but they don’t take that argument. In high school I jokingly recommended we do it as our musical (I knew we didn’t have the talent) and

The latter. By the time they were able to get to them, they were beyond help.

I was born and raised in WV. I was working at the closest hospital to the Upper Big Branch Mine when it exploded, we were preparing for a mass-casualty situation and only got one patient, a guy who was at the mouth of the mine when it blew up. While I personally didn’t know anyone who died, I know many people who knew

aI agree. Biden was a great VP, and that’s where his legacy should stay. Once he’d start into actual campaigning they’d tear him apart and Dems would lose the same people who didn’t vote in 2016. Maybe he could ride a wave of Obama nostalgia, but I don’t know if the wave would be big enough.

Could we PLEASE at least get a weekly post to discuss, even if it means no review? This season is so damn good and there is nowhere to talk about it.

This was only part of the story in WV. The PEIA requirements were terrifying and a huge invasion of privacy (PEIA Go365). Thankfully it sounds like they are rolling that plan back. But the raise they were promised was 5%, now it’s down to 1%.


I could do a crap ton of pushups when I was in 7th grade, I had the most for a girl in my class. But by the time the test came around the next year, I’d grown boobs and I couldn’t do push-ups to save my life. I guess all the muscle turned into breast tissue. :p