I think this is a good idea. Many times I’ve taken a book on a plane and then gone ‘eh, I really don’t want to read this one’, and just mindlessly played games on my phone. Having a Kindle helps, but still does happen.
I think this is a good idea. Many times I’ve taken a book on a plane and then gone ‘eh, I really don’t want to read this one’, and just mindlessly played games on my phone. Having a Kindle helps, but still does happen.
I was a CSR for a major US bank for a while. Granted this was like 18 years ago so things probably have changed, but I had the ability to decide (within certain parameters) who got fees refunded and who didn’t. And even if you asked for a supervisor, we’d talk to them first and give them the low-down and unless we’d…
I really liked Jürgen from the get go, but when he told his cakes “good luck in there” I was 100% in.
I’m currently pregnant, but in the ‘looks like I’ve gained a bunch of weight not pregnant’ stage. I’ve already got plans that if a stranger starts rubbing my belly, I’m just going to reach over and rub theirs. I’m still trying to think of sarcastic remarks for the most common comments.
Oh let me wax poetic about one of the best meals I ever had. We were traveling from JFK to LAX on American, husband flew a lot for work so we often got upgraded and we did this time to first class. I ordered the mushroom gnocchi pillows as my main and it might have been one of the best food decisions of my life.
I love this show. It was my favorite new show on network TV from last year and remains there this season. It has no right to be as good as it is, but the incredible cast really makes it work.
As someone who can’t function without my glasses, I absolutely have back ups. I have two: one is an old prescription so they aren’t quite strong enough, but I’d be able to function if I had to (though I’ll probably end up with a migraine). My second backup is from Zenni, which as others have said is perfect for having…
Thanks! Yeah, I wasn’t shocked they went a completely different direction, but when they started pulling characters from the old EU, I’d hoped they’d get Mara Jade in there somewhere, even if she wasn’t exactly the same. She was an insanely popular character, so I agree they were probably leaving money on the table.
Same. I liked book 6 a lot better than 5, which was my least favorite. I always felt it would make good TV, but everyone so split up and so long between each plot line made it hard for me to stay focused, I think.
My biggest tip is to allow yourself to stop reading something you aren’t enjoying. It’s not a failure to not like a book and to just stop. There’s no cosmic balance you’ll tip if you say ‘screw it, I’m not reading any more.’ Just stop.
I am a serious bather. This is almost exactly what I do, though because I’m usually reading and music with words is too distracting, I’ll sometimes use the Relax Melodies app on my phone, usually with some sort of rain sounds mix.
My first 4th of July working in health care I had grey matter squirting on my me from a tween who was in an accident. Every time I bagged her (breathing for her manually) it would cause the pressure to rise and would come out the hole in her skull. And then later that night a little boy blew off all but his thumb of…
I’m a respiratory therapist and the number of docs I’ve seen not take asthma seriously is astounding. A lot of nurses I’ve encountered also don’t know enough about it, don’t know how to distinguish breath sounds (or lack there of) well enough to triage it appropriately. Most also don’t know that coughing can be a sign…
When my husband proposed -right after I said yes and we kissed- I asked him if the ring was insured. It’s a family heirloom and a decent size so I was terrified of losing it. I mean, I still am and insurance won’t help the family heirloom part, but at least if something happened we’d have that.
It’s actually really important that this become a legitimate diagnosis. For sure, it’s not going to help everyone right away, but in the long run, it might. There may be more research on how to prevent it, how to help someone with it, etc. and all that *may* eventually change our work habits.
And even some of the stations with elevators still aren’t accessible. I work at 168th street, which has a bank of 4 elevators to get way down to the 1. But once you get off the elevators, you have to use stairs to get to the platform. If you are going or coming from the uptown side, multiple sets of stairs where you…
I really hope the recaps/reviews are back for this season. To me, this is one of the best shows on TV.
I’m generally pro-union, except in healthcare. I’m in a healthcare union and I HATE it. If we could get rid of the union, I would in a heartbeat. Our health insurance is complete crap (and I work in a hospital!), a lot of the people I work with should have been fired a long time ago (we’re talking negligence, sexual…
Per SCOTUS Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942) fighting words are not covered by the first amendment. Fighting words are “by their very utterance, inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are…
To get the overhead space. Airlines created this when they started charging for checked bags. It would still happen somewhat if they didn’t because waiting on a bags at the end of a flight is terrible, but it wouldn’t be nearly as bad.