I emailed Como about this at about 11:30 this morning.
I emailed Como about this at about 11:30 this morning.
First off, YAY! for the A Chorus Line reference in the title! :D
- Just before Luke dies, he’s staring out at the setting sun of Ahch-To. And then in one shot, there’s two suns. But all the other shots only have one. Was Luke hallucinating Tatooine’s twin suns, as if to say that he’s finally coming home?
It’s not just Florida, it’s all over the country. First responders and health care workers are expected to just suck it up and move on. Some places are starting to recognize that this isn’t healthy and is causing burn out and dangerous situations, but it’s not widespread and still mostly an afterthought.
Won’t you think of the poor billionaires who have to pay taxes?! Those damn children can get a job to get their health insurance! Bootstraps!
I did notice the “Hello everyone” announcement the other day and thought it was just someone who wanted to record a more pleasant announcement, like the occasional conductor who says “have a great day” in the mornings.
That’s about how I usually describe it as well. I once had someone ask if I wanted them to call 911, I mumbled I’d rather die right there than have to move.
Thank you for writing this! I once made the mistake of calling in because of a migraine and later got crap from co-workers for calling in for a headache. I guess I should have mentioned I was laying on the bathroom floor having just vomited, which made me feel worse. Learned my lesson. Oh, and I work in healthcare.
And if it is a mental health issue, then why did 45 revoke the checks on mental health when buying a gun?
What I can’t get over is that a high profile Dem decides that less than a week before election day is the time to put this info out there? Really?? Sure, it’s not the mid-terms, but there are a lot of important elections the Democrats HAVE to win.
I loved this episode. At least so far, I feel like we are back to the Scandal I fell in love with.
That’s exactly what I was coming here to say. For younger people a UTI is painful and really, really sucks, but often causes no other issues (unless you wait too long to get antibiotics). But for older people it can cause many issues including confusion. I can’t count the number older people I’ve seen at my job who…
This makes me really sad. The Last Tycoon was visually beautiful and while it was a bit of a slow burn, it was a show I quite enjoyed. It’s doubly disappointing because it ended on a huge cliff hanger and had quite a few unresolved story lines. :(
Oh man, I completely forgot about that music video! I don’t know how as I too watched it so many times. I used to listen to his cover of “River” that was on Ally McBeal over and over again around Christmas. That song was my X-mas spirit animal.
I was a teenager and became obsessed with RDJ during Ally McBeal. We’re talking teenage level of obsession in watching everything he’d ever been, bought any magazine he was in, and reading everything I could find online. When he was arrested, I cried. We’re talking ugly crying.
the state of Florida used a lethal injection drug never before used in the United States
I really wanted someone to say to Miller, “Under God” and “In God We Trust” wasn’t in the Pledge of Allegiance and on our money (at least paper money) until the 1950's, but you guys still insist on it being there, so I don’t know how much that argument holds up.
My problem with planks is they give me a massive headache. So do real push-ups for that matter (knee pushups don’t.) I breathe through the entire thing, no holding my breath and still, massive headache bordering on a migraine.
I now see that I said pro-choice, but that was a mistake, which should have been clear from the rest of the context. I mean pro-life. My apologies.
Your sarcasm would be on point if that were the case, but Manchin is pro-life. He’s voted for Planned Parenthood but has stated if they federally funded abortion, he wouldn’t.