Mara Jade Lives, Always

Somehow, I doubt there are many districts where abortion could the driving factor in causing a Democrat to lose that are actually competitive.

I used to work customer service for Bank of America (checking and savings) and they did biggest to smallest as well. I can’t tell you how many times I had people call about this and I had to say, “It’s in the terms and services of your account.” The way I understand it, most major banks do it this way. It always felt

Hoping this does nothing to stop the leaks was my very first thought. I hope there are enough people who are loyal to Priebus that it gets worse.

This just makes me laugh hysterically. Refraining from calling the press and mouthing off is politics 101, or at the very least make sure it’s off the record. I feel like if 45's administration would all just sit down and marathon The West Wing they’d at least get the basics.

A non-English show I’ve been enjoying is Mossad 101 (the non-English name is HaMidrasha) which is a fictional show about Mossad trainees. I put it on just to see what it was (honestly thinking it was a non-fiction series about Mossad, or maybe a reality show doing Mossad-like training) and got sucked in pretty

Yeah, I do think he must be talking about life insurance because that’s the only thing I can think of that’s $12 a year when you are young. He probably thinks that insurance is insurance, it doesn’t matter what kind you have.

I really don’t know which is worse, the fact that he thinks the AG works for him and should back him up even with a major conflict of interest, or the fact that he has NO clue how health insurance works. From the interview:

The announcement of a new Doctor has always been gross. When it was Matt Smith he was too weird looking, Capaldi was too old, and now Whittaker has too much estrogen. There’s always the people who will “never watch the show again” and this time isn’t any different.

I kept seeing friends eating it saying it was wonderful. So I tromp myself upstairs to the really expensive part of Fairway Market and buy a pint of mint chocolate chip. My boyfriend was gone on a business trip, so I had the pint and Netflix all to myself. Whoo!

This is akin to OJ publishing his If I Did It book before the trial.

I’m almost finished with my Bachelor’s in Public Health, just 3 more classes. I’ve also been considering health promotion, I’m currently a respiratory therapist so I could continue to use that experience and knowledge.

This was a fascinating article!

Hells yes! I love coffee, but nothing beats ice tea when it’s hot.

I find I’m very conflicted. On the one hand, I agree, it’s none of our business and I feel bad for Billie and Todd that they are going to get this as the story over and over again. And while I certainly didn’t know her at all, I am a big fan of hers and I feel like she would want us to know and use it to help other

As a respiratory therapist who interacts with patients with sleep apnea every day -and has seen the effects of people not using a CPAP or BiPAP- I can only hope seeing that Carrie Fisher died due, in part, to sleep apnea will encourage more people to get sleep studies and to actually wear their CPAP or BiPAP.

If the air gets in your eyes with the CPAP or BiPAP mask, it doesn’t fit correctly. You either need a different size/type of mask, or it needs to be slightly tighter. You don’t need to meld it with your face, but it does need to be snug.

Having lived in Boston for 4 years and now in NYC for the last 2 years, I completely agree with you. I can get pretty much anywhere in NYC, and yeah, sometimes it’s crowded, but that happens everywhere. In Boston, I lived on the line that stopped at Fenway, if you want to talk about crowded. In my, albeit anecdotal

Come From Away was low-ish down on my list of shows to see (even though I live in NYC, I’m way behind on this years shows) but after their performance last night it rocketed close to the top. It looks pretty amazing.

I don’t know that I’d say ‘hot’, but I don’t think he’s unattractive. It’s probably a combo of the being tall, smart, former position of power in the armed federal agency, decently fitting suit, and looking a little bit like George Newbern (Charlie from Scandal).

I’m pretty sure everyone knew what he meant: but her emails.