
I’m sure all black celebrities on Twitter deal with this to some extent, but this volume of vitriol has to be because a black woman dared to be a Ghostbuster. I’ve seen a lot of misogynistic trolling about the movie (which was awesome, you sexist fools!) but there is no way that McKinnon, Wiig, and McCarthy are

I felt so bad for her yesterday. Leslie is life and she’s always so positive.

Me and all my nerd friends went to see it (separately) over the weekend and loved it. It was awesome and your life will be sadder for lacking it. :’(

That's what I'm hoping. I already have plans to see it with a few girlfriends next weekend, and I know my mom is planning on seeing it soon too.

You have no idea how happy that detail made me.

I know a lot of women in my age group (30-40) who are planning to see it, we’re just fucking busy. Maybe the demographic of this movie is not like the fanboys who see stuff on opening weekend, rather the movie will see steady business throughout the summer.

Its traditional.

Honestly, I rather see pictures of the victims rather than the asshole murderer. It is important to see the human face of gun violence rather than cold, hard numbers.

They look so happy, and that just breaks my heart even more.

I’m so sorry, and I’m glad you’re safe.

kids would still be alive, tho

yeah, i am pretty skeptical of police in general, but this particular officer in this situation—i feel bad for him, especially because he’s struggling with it. what an awful thing to see, what an awful thing to have to do.

Well we could repeal the federal ban on gun violence research for starters. Perhaps with some numbers and a public advocacy campaign, similar to the successful ones we’ve employed for smoking, seat belts, etc., we could do something to curb the myth that guns in the home make people safer. As a society, if we can’t

“This is about punishing you”

They make suicide more dangerous. Suicidal people are more likely to try and go through with it if there is a gun in the house.

Meh. Saying something ugly and regrettable in the heat of the moment kind of pales in comparison to murdering your children.

“ whose actions are subject to scrutiny as standard procedure”

God, how absolutely tragic for those girls and the rest of the family. Granted, I’m not a fan of the dad encouraging mom to ‘kill herself’ to make it easier on the family, but that’s another topic for another day.

So in the end, the bad person with a gun was stopped by a good person with a gun...who is a trained law-enforcement professional whose actions are subject to scrutiny as standard procedure as opposed to some doofus with 400 bucks and tickets to a gun show.

Not something I’m putting into my google search history.