
She definitely had a type.

This is one horror trope that I actually find really scary, and have an irrational fear that some day there could be a secret person in my house.

Seems more Coen Brothers to me.

That would be a fantastic dark comedy.

yeah, there’s some big details missing. It’s weird she’s willing to go into such detail on some things (like the exact text), but never states what this “minor” issue was, among many other things. I think we’re getting the “everyone feel sorry for me” version instead of the “well, it sounds like all of us may have

Goddamn. I’m not sure if she has already filed a lawsuit against them, but if she hasn’t, I hope she does.

Except that Oprah could have realized what Erin was going through and made her producers make a back-up plan where if Erin still seemed too resistant, Oprah could have insisted that she not go on to do the interview and instead run reel tape of what Erin had gone through, had a psychologist on to discuss what happened

I’m a female. I like sports. But it seems like everyday I hear a story about how trivialized women are in sports, in sports “relationships", and now, even broadcasting. dammit.

I’d just like to say, for the people who want to come in and blurt out crap about how Dr. Luke might be getting thrown under the bus and really is totally good guy- in the real world, if someone is sticking to her story about abuse for year after year after year, to the extent of putting money and lawyer time behind

The “reflexive” support is largely based on Kesha’s story being like thousands of others we’ve all heard- there’s more than enough to believe Luke is a phenomenal pile of shit. When someone is lying about rape or abuse, those stories ring differently and have a tendency to fall apart sooner or later. So far the only

My thought process is get rid of any payment you have to make monthly and it will give you more flexibility with you income. Also, regarding your plans to buy a house, look into first time home buyer assistance programs. You can qualify for grants to help with your down payment. Different states and even different

Pay it. I used a bonus a few years ago to pay off my outstanding car loans (my student loans are a different matter ENTIRELY) and it feels SO good to have it paid off, plus you have a bump to your credit score for paying it early, if I recall correctly. If you can manage to pay it off without serious risk of

I love Leo. He does exceptional things with his fame and wealth (environmental causes like woah). He doesn’t cause trouble, he is photographed cavorting with younger beautiful models. I do not understand why people dislike him for this (nor would I understand someone idealizing him for it).

Jealous of the vacation, and super, incredibly, ridiculously jealous of you seeing Zappa. All I got was Dweezil. Frank Zappa was just brilliant.

I always liked this pic when a crying baby settles down for President Obama after she wouldn’t with Michelle. I like her faux offended face.

I was laid off last night from the production company I was working for last night.

But did you do all of this while never dating anyone over 25 and bringing your Mom as your date to professional events? Devil in the in the details.

Jackson is too cool for the Oscars.

I find it sad that he's such a douche, because I loved Leo so badly circa Gilbert Grape.

I know that all of these antics took place a long time ago, and people grow up, and most of us sucked at that age. But...but. I like all of these people a little bit less now.