
LOLLLLL. Not really. There are clusters of educated people. Mostly in cities and colleges. Sure Boston is great. But geographically speaking, most of the place is divided between the twin-set-wearing, khaki-pantsted 2.5 children Soulcycle set, and the other half by the rural kind my husband grew up amongst, that still

Can average citizens get ahold of this? I have adorable deer mice in my house. I set traps for a while but one unfortunate day, one of them was left half dead, dragging his bloody, mangled body across my kitchen. I put him out of his misery. The final straw came when I noticed one of the mice caught in the trap was

LOL to the sitcom analogy. I had a hard time putting my finger on it, and that's just what it is! Here in New England, so many people seem so forced, wholesome in a creepy way... Exactly like sitcom people! (Or Ned Flanders)

Teens?!?!?! My parents (and everyone I know as well) started letting us have champagne at 7 or 8. These kids are so sheltered man, so sheltered.

In my experience, rural and suburban Repubs call them snazzy sweaters.

Sounds like an old person. Seriously, I know it's hard, but trying to be more mindful around this kind of behavior is a very good exercise in tolerance. We can't control what people say or do, but we can change how we react to it. I'm a semi-regular meditator and it's helped a lot to be able to just look at people and

No one is saying all old people are bigots. But getting in fights with an 85-year old is really shitty. What difference will he make? He's on his way out any day now. Some tolerance goes a long way.

I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME!!! Thank you for giving me peace of mind for Christmas*.

H is very old and lived a different time from you. Reality is not objective because we absorb information though our senses, and process it with our brains -that are deeply conditioned by history and experience. Giving an 85 year-old a hard time is up the in assholeness to being racist.

Latin people can be so fucking racist - like everyone else, but more. News flash to white people I guess. It enraged me when people were all like "George Zimmerman couldn't have killed Trayvon Martin out of racism- he is Peruvian!!!!!!". LOL. Apparently all minorities in the United states hold hands and sing Kumbaya

Dating a Puerto Rican doesn't check off the "dated oppressed minority so I'm not racist box". Plenty of white Puerto Ricans out there...

"I love all the Bravo Housewives! Except for Atlanta, it's like all black people... No thank you!" HOW do you respond to that? (that's my neighbor who my husband likes so we can't avoid her and her husband) EDIT: I only thought of a comeback on the way home "I know, they all have such fabulous wigs, i makes me SO

That photo is Kerr misappropriation.

Can we stop calling people "moms" and "grandmas"? Really.

There are COUNTLESS beauty contests there, often with girls as young as 14. From there, many are dispensed into the "modeling" industry. The term model in Argentina means the kind of model you are used to, as well as media personality types often with fake boobs that make a living from posing in gossip magazines in

Hello, Lithuanian! Well, I'm sorry I didn't know this, but I stand by my point. Whatever Lithuania did during the Third Reich doesn't mean you are now banned from mingling, or taking pictures, with Jews. Unless you are a 98-year-old Jezebel-reading former Nazi. In which case I guess it's up to those jews whether they

I too, love gin and tonics, the DListed, and Prince Hot Ginge.

Why would he have to avoid photos like this? All I see is a bunch of young people having fun. He wasn't born when that shit happened. He is no more responsible for it than you me or the kids in the photo themselves. So now every British person is not allowed to take a photo in Lesotho with people form Lesotho? Let's

On another note, gyms in Argentina are fantastic. They all have tables outside cafe style, and a cafe inside. They fucking expect you to stay and make friends and socialize.

You can't go hang out at Crossfit per se- because people go in there mostly to do the WOD's, which are a group thing. Some people go on off times to work on certain movements/exercises and then they may socialize But it's always around the WOD.